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Слайд 1Save the Nature
School-gymnasium №17 by Ataturk
Worked-out by: Mannapova A

Save the NatureSchool-gymnasium №17 by AtaturkWorked-out by: Mannapova A

Слайд 2The route of the expedition

The route of the expedition

Слайд 3Protect, protect from pollution, protective clothing, waste, chemical waste, waste

paper, pollute, to be polluted by, sea pollution, air pollution,

antipollution laws, environment, to protect the environment, the pollution of the environment, environmental problems, an international disaster, a lot of litter, to drop litter, rubbish , to solve a problem, to be empty of fish, alarming predictions, to disappear, to cut down more trees, to be polluted by power stations and factories, prohibit, prohibition, recycle, recyclable, recycled paper, recycling, packaging, to throw away, to buy packaged goods, drugs , breaking human rights, endangered animals, dangerous technologies, dangerous diseases
Protect, protect from pollution, protective clothing, waste, chemical waste, waste paper, pollute, to be polluted by, sea

Слайд 4Match the words


Air waste
Protective water
Environmental environment
Pollute paper
Waste problems
Chemical pollution
Match the words         Protect

Слайд 5Ecological problems

Ecological problems

Слайд 7About endangered animals
Giant Panda  Population: There are approximately 2,000 giant

pandas living in their natural habitat  Lifespan: 20-30 years  Location: Central China  Threat Level: Endangered Endangering

Factors: Loss of habitat, low birth rates, and excessive poaching are all significant factors that have contributed to classify the giant panda as one of the most critically endangered species.
About endangered animals  Giant Panda  Population: There are approximately 2,000 giant pandas living in their natural habitat 

Слайд 8 Polar Bear  Population: There are an estimated 20,000 - 25,000 polar

bears left on the earth  Lifespan: 20-25 years  Location: Canada, Denmark, Alaska, Norway, Russia,

& the Artic Circle  Threat Level: Vulnerable [3]  Endangering Factors: Global climate changes and pollution from oil & gas development are the two main contributing factors to the decline of mother nature's largest land carnivore.
Polar Bear  Population: There are an estimated 20,000 - 25,000 polar bears left on the earth  Lifespan: 20-25

Слайд 9Tiger  Population: Estimates put the tiger population at less than 2,500  Lifespan: 10-15 years  Location: India,

China, & Southeast Asia  Threat Level: Endangered   Endangering Factors: Poaching for their fine

fur mixed with a large destruction of their natural habitat have caused a steep decline in the number of tigers left in the world
Tiger  Population: Estimates put the tiger population at less than 2,500  Lifespan: 10-15 years  Location: India, China, & Southeast Asia 

Слайд 10  Snow Leopard Population: There are only between 5,000 and 7,000

snow leopards left in the world  Lifespan: 15-18 years  Location: Central and south Asia

(Russia, China, India, Pakistan, etc.)  Threat Level: Endangered   Endangering Factors: An unbalanced mountain ecosystem along with excessive deforestation are causing a decline in the snow leopard population.
 Snow Leopard Population: There are only between 5,000 and 7,000 snow leopards left in the world 

Слайд 11Rules for forest visitors

Rules for forest visitors

Слайд 12Give some advice…

Give some advice…

Слайд 15Complete the sentences
1. If all people decided to save our

world, …
2. If people took cans, bottles, paper to local

recycling centers, ...
3. If people didn’t drop litter in the country side,…
4. If people didn’t waste paper,…
5.If people cleared up litter outside their home, offices and schools, …
Complete the sentences1. If all people decided to save our world, …2. If people took cans, bottles,

Слайд 16We should + V / We shouldn’t + V

We should + V / We shouldn’t + V

Слайд 17

Home Work

Home Work

Слайд 18

The End

The End

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