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Презентация к уроку "Животные и мы"

This is cat it sits on the mat these are cats they sit on the mats this is a bear it sits on the chair these

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Animals and we Подготовил учитель английского языка Пирогова Е.В.

Animals and we  Подготовил учитель английского языка  Пирогова Е.В.

Слайд 2This is cat it sits on the mat these are cats

they sit on the mats this is a bear it

sits on the chair these are bears they sit on the chairs
This is cat  it sits on the mat these are cats  they sit on the

Слайд 3Whipsnade Wild Animal Park

Whipsnade Wild Animal Park

Слайд 5Why will your visit to Whipsnade Wild Animal Park be

very enjoyable?
Do many scientists work in this park?
Where can you

get closer to domestic animals?
Who can introduce animals to people and answer the question about animals?
Can visitors bring their pets in the wild animal park?

Why will your visit to Whipsnade Wild Animal Park be very enjoyable?Do many scientists work in this

Слайд 6Endangered Animals

Endangered Animals

Слайд 7Little kittens often say
“Meow, meow”, when they play.
“Bow – wow”,

barks the dog
When the сat is on the log.
“Squeak –

squeak”, says the mouse
When the cheese is in the house.
“Cock – a – doodle – doo!” cries the cock,
I wake up at 5 o`clock!

Little kittens often say“Meow, meow”, when they play.“Bow – wow”, barks the dogWhen the сat is on

Слайд 8Correct mistakes:
A xof
A munkey
A hroes
A lowf
A wahle
A dark

A camal
An eagel
A brea
A dolpinh
A cwo

Correct mistakes:A xofA munkeyA hroes A lowfA wahleA dark A rebbetA camal An eagel A breaA dolpinhA

Слайд 9
A fox
A monkey
A horse
A wolf
A whale
A duck

A rabbit
A camel
An eagle
A bear
A dolphin
A cow

A foxA monkey A horse A wolfA whale A duck A rabbitA camelAn eagle A bear A

Слайд 10Умный
Match the words

end their translation.

Умный Смешной Сильный Добрый Независимый НепослушныйХитрый  Match the words end their translation. Strong CunningClever IndependentFunny Naughty

Слайд 11Give characteristics of the following animals and birds

Give characteristics of the following animals and birds

Слайд 14Answer the questions.
What pet have you got?
What colour is your

Is your pet big or little?
What can your pet do?

does your pet eat or drink?
What characteristics of your pet can your name?
Who looks after your pet?
Answer the questions. What pet have you got?What colour is your pet?Is your pet big or little?What

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