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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Сравнение Present Simple&Present Continuous"

Фонетическая разминка Do you usually get up early?Are you having an English lesson now?Is your friend sleeping or studying at the moment?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The 21 st of October Classwork

“What do we do?”
“What are we


The 21 st of October Classwork“What do we do?”“What are we doing?”

Слайд 2Фонетическая разминка

Do you usually get up early?
Are you having an

English lesson now?
Is your friend sleeping or studying at the


Фонетическая разминка	Do you usually get up early?Are you having an English lesson now?Is your friend sleeping or

Слайд 3What are they doing… ?

What are they doing… ?

Слайд 4 am is


(3л. ед.ч) (мн.ч)

to be

am       is        are

Слайд 5Warm-up
Boys hands up
Boys hands down
Boys and girls
Turn around
Girls hands up

hands down
Girls and boys
Turn around

Warm-upBoys hands upBoys hands downBoys and girlsTurn aroundGirls hands upGirls hands downGirls and boysTurn around

Слайд 6
Present Simple/Present Continuous

Present Simple/Present Continuous

Слайд 7Образование Present Simple/Present Continuous

Образование Present Simple/Present Continuous

Слайд 8I _________________________(play) football after school.
He ______________________(play) football now.
She often _________________(watch)

Look! They _______________(watch) an interesting film.
You usually _________________(read) books on

I________(read) my English textbook at the moment.
Listen! Kate ____________________(sing) a song.
Linda ________________(sing) well.
We ___________________(swim) every day.
The boy _____________(swim) now.
I _________________________(play) football after school.He ______________________(play) football now.She often _________________(watch) TV.Look! They _______________(watch) an interesting film.You usually

Слайд 9Correct sentences
I play football after school.
He is playing football

She often watches TV.
Look! They are watching an interesting film.

usually read books on Sundays.
I am reading my English textbook at the moment.
Listen! Kate is singing a song.
Linda sings well.
We swim every day.
The boy is swimming now.
Correct sentences I play football after school.He is playing football now.She often watches TV.Look! They are watching

Слайд 10Рефлексия
Я понимаю разницу между Present Simple и Present Continuous

могу поставить глагол и в Present Simple и Present Continuous

знаю, какое действие выражают и Present Simple и Present Continuous
Я знаю слова-подсказки для Present Simple и Present Continuous
Я был активен на уроке

Рефлексия Я понимаю разницу между Present Simple и Present ContinuousЯ могу поставить глагол и в Present Simple

Слайд 11Homework
Сделать таблицу сравнения времен Present Simple и Present Continuous

37 exercise 8.

Homework Сделать таблицу сравнения времен Present Simple и Present ContinuousPage 37 exercise 8.

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