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Презентация по английскому языку "Самые опасные животные России"("The most dangerous animals of Russia")

Russia was stretched in the territory of several climatic zones, it also has caused such variety of her flora and fauna. Many animals living in the tundra and a taiga are

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Слайд 1The most dangerous animals of Russia
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Зубово-Полянского муниципального района
Республики Мордовия

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Осина Екатерина
The most dangerous animals of RussiaМуниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Парцинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»Зубово-Полянского муниципального районаРеспублики Мордовия Выполнила

Слайд 2Russia was stretched in the territory of several climatic zones,

it also has caused such variety of her flora and

fauna. Many animals living in the tundra and a taiga are included in the Red List. Among inhabitants of fauna of Russia and fauna there are the most life-threatening of the person of an individual. Their danger is that at a meeting face to face the person most likely won't survive. Who are they?
Russia was stretched in the territory of several climatic zones, it also has caused such variety of

Слайд 3Lynx
The lynx treats of course the cat family. She

is very beautiful, is allocated with graceful gait and an

unusual color. She in appearance seems just big cat with whom it would be desirable to be played, but these games, it is similar to flirtations with death. The lynx independently doesn't look for a meeting with the person. The environment of her dwelling is the forest zone. Than further people makes the way in the wood, that a high probability to meet a lynx. The lynx attacks only in that case when she feels danger to the cubs.
Matter of course, having seen the person in the depth of the mixed woods she won't begin to attack at once if it isn't hungry and it is good before it I have hunted. But if the person has encroached on her territory – then the probability of a lethal outcome for him is huge. In recent years poaching cases concerning a lynx therefore the predator began to go even more deeply to the woods have become frequent.
Lynx The lynx treats of course the cat family. She is very beautiful, is allocated with graceful

Слайд 5Wolf
The wolf – the favourite character of children's fairy

tales and stories and in them he is described as

rather artful and killing predator. The wolf is most dangerous if he is infected with rage. In other cases the animal tries to avoid the person.
However, cases when wolves attack packs people, their settlements are frequent. The similar behavior can provoke lack of sufficient resources for livelihood. Forced to look for food, wolves attack also a small cattle. Unfortunately, people don't seek to secure themselves against attacks of wolves, they exterminate those animal species which are his main production and by that – provoke him to attack. In a midland and in the south of Russia you won't meet wolves. They live in other parts of the country.
Wolf The wolf – the favourite character of children's fairy tales and stories and in them he

Слайд 7Polar bear the Polar bear – very unpredictable animal. In

recent years winter attacks of polar bears on human settlements

have become frequent. Scientists sound alarm as warming in some regions of the country leads to year-round wakefulness of a bear and by that, to his dangerous meetings with the person.
He attacks generally at feeling of danger, but at what moment he will see danger in the person – it is unknown. Such individual of a bear lives on Chukotka, on the coasts of the Chukchi Sea and Karsky. Today these zones of Russia actively accustom people that leads to increase of meetings them with bears. And as result – the increased quantity of injuries among the population and the lethal outcomes brought by a polar bear.
Scientists claim that the bear has remarkable sight, hearing and sense of smell. Therefore if he decides that the person has to become his production – rescue won't be. Often bears attack the person near dens in which cubs are hidden. It is protective reaction which is justified by laws of the nature. Therefore you shouldn't travel in those places where traces of a polar bear meet.
Polar bear the Polar bear – very unpredictable animal. In recent years winter attacks of polar bears

Слайд 9Viper
In the territory of Russia the huge number of

snakes is found. Among them there are both poisonous individuals,

and harmless ears. The most dangerous of snakes in the territory of Russia the viper is considered. She has specific sight and is practically not able to distinguish a form and outlines of objects. She doesn't distinguish what of objects is potentially dangerous and what - No.
The viper is always ready to attack therefore she is dangerous. Her poison can become deadly to the person. In virulence he resembles rattlesnake poison. It should be noted seasonal fluctuations in concentration of toxic agents in viper poison. Their greatest number contains in it in the spring, and in the summer – the smallest quantity.
At a disposable sting of a viper, the death of the person can not occur, but internals will be poisoned with toxins and it can lead to changes in their functioning. Special attention needs to be paid on environment when you walk on the mixed woods and near bogs – in these districts of vipers a huge number.
Viper In the territory of Russia the huge number of snakes is found. Among them there are

Слайд 11Brown bear
The bear after awakening from hibernation is especially dangerous.

He is hungry and in the desire to satisfy the

need for food can snatch on the person. The bear who has unexpectedly regained consciousness from hibernation in the winter is extremely aggressive and irritable and can kill any who gets in his way. An area of dwelling of a brown bear - the wood of a midland of Russia, the Siberian taiga.
Brown bearThe bear after awakening from hibernation is especially dangerous. He is hungry and in the desire

Слайд 13 http://ermoshka.com/interesnoe/1286-samye-opasnye-zhivotnye-rossii

List of references :

http://ermoshka.com/interesnoe/1286-samye-opasnye-zhivotnye-rossiihttp://vivareit.ru/samye-opasnye-zhivotnye-rossii/List of references :

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