Разделы презентаций

Презентация урока на тему Never give up для 10 класса

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Have a nice day! assessment. Duty.

Good morning,
Assessment. Duty.

Have a nice day!     assessment. Duty. Good morning, Assessment. Duty.

Слайд 2Expedition to the USA

assessment. Duty

Expedition to the USA  assessment. Duty

Слайд 3«Where am I ?» IMAGINE
Questions: What time of day

is it?
What`s the weather like? Is it hot, warm, cold,

What can you see around you?
Are there any people or animals?
What are they doing? What sounds can you hear? What can you smell? How do you feel-happy, relaxed?
«Where am I ?» IMAGINE Questions: What time of day is it?What`s the weather like? Is it

Слайд 4Theme: Never give up
The aims: to be able to

speak their ideas. To take a motivation. To be able

to think critical. To develop speaking.
Theme: Never give up  The aims: to be able to speak their ideas. To take a

Слайд 5Vocabulary
Draw this chart in your notebook. How many words

can you write in each category?
More than 10? GOOD. More

than 12? VERY GOOD. More than 15? Excellent.
Vocabulary Draw this chart in your notebook. How many words can you write in each category?More than

Слайд 61.Speaker. Look at the posters.

1.Speaker. Look at the posters.

Слайд 7Natalie, the swimmer who lost a leg.

Natalie, the swimmer who lost a leg.

Слайд 10Bethany, the surfer who lost an arm.

Bethany, the surfer who lost an arm.

Слайд 13Work in groups. Complete the chart.

Work in groups. Complete the chart.

Слайд 14«M i n d m a p»
Drinking and

Interesting thins

«M i n d  m a p» Drinking and eating Network Music Interesting thins Problems Hobby

Слайд 15Reception sketch

Reception    sketch

Слайд 16Homework
To write ESSAY about my future.

Homework To write ESSAY about my future.

Слайд 17Assessment fine / not sure

Assessment    fine  /  not sure


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