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Gustave Courbet, After Dinner at Ornans, 1849

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Слайд 1Realism
Realism in the arts may be generally defined as the

attempt to represent subject matter truthfully without artificiality and avoiding

artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements.
RealismRealism in the arts may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully without

Слайд 2Gustave Courbet, After Dinner at Ornans, 1849

Gustave Courbet, After Dinner at Ornans, 1849

Слайд 3In its most specific sense, Realism was an artistic movement

that began in France in the 1850s, after the 1848

Revolution. [1] Realists rejected Romanticism, which had dominated French literature and art since the late 18th century

Ilya Repin, They did not Expect Him, 1884-1888.

In its most specific sense, Realism was an artistic movement that began in France in the 1850s,

Слайд 4Ilya Repin
Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan
Ilya Yefimovich

Repin 1844 – 29 September 1930 was a leading Russian

painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school. An important part of his work is dedicated to his native country, Ukraine. His realistic works often expressed great psychological depth and exposed the tensions within the existing social order.
Ilya RepinCossacks write a letter to the Turkish SultanIlya Yefimovich Repin 1844 – 29 September 1930 was

Слайд 5Jules Breton
The Song of the Lark, 1884
Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis

Breton (1 May 1827 – 5 July 1906) was a

19th-century French Realist painter. His paintings are heavily influenced by the French countryside and his absorption of traditional methods of painting helped make Jules Breton one of the primary transmitters of the beauty and idyllic vision of rural existence.
Jules BretonThe Song of the Lark, 1884Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis Breton (1 May 1827 – 5 July

Слайд 6The end
Polischuk Misha

The endPolischuk Misha

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