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Rights and Responsibilities 11 класс

R i g h t s: -to be educated -to be safe -to live& work in a clean, unpolluted environment -to be treated with respect

Слайды и текст этой презентации



Слайд 2

R i g h t s: -to be educated -to

be safe -to live& work in a clean, unpolluted environment

-to be treated with respect
R i g h t s:  -to be educated  -to be safe  -to live&

Слайд 3Responsibilities:
-to respect others regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin, nationality

to bully/harm others
-to obey the law
-to look after the environment

Responsibilities:-to respect others regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin, nationality-not to bully/harm others-to obey the law-to look

Слайд 4Rights:
-to be educated
-to be safe
-to live& work in a clean,

unpolluted environment
-to be treated with respect

-to respect others regardless of

sex, age, ethnic origin, nationality
-not to bully/harm others
-to obey the law
-to look after the environment
Rights:-to be educated-to be safe-to live& work in a clean, unpolluted environment-to be treated with respectResponsibilities:-to respect

Слайд 5 Edward Everett Hale


Edward Everett Hale was an American clergyman who lived from 1822 – 1909.

Edward Everett Hale

Слайд 6“ I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot

do everything.
But still I can do something,
And because I cannot

do everything
I won’t refuse to do the something I can do.”
(Edward Everett Hale)
“ I am only one,But still I am one.I cannot do everything.But still I can do something,And

Слайд 71) What is ‘responsibility’ for the author ?
2) Do you

agree with this point of you?
The questions for discussion:

1) What is ‘responsibility’ for the author ?2) Do you agree with this point of you?The questions

Слайд 81) What right is Adam violating ?
2) How is he

going to put the situation right?
Answer the questions:

1) What right is Adam violating ?2) How is he going to put the situation right? Answer

Слайд 9
The text
An incident that happened at school when I

was 10 years old really stuck in my mind. One

of the boys in the class was being picked on by some older boys. The rest of us were too afraid to help him because we didn’t want to get beaten up too. It went on for ages before I eventually found the courage to say something to the teacher(….)

The text An incident that happened at school when I was 10 years old really stuck in

Слайд 10(….) But on the day that I had decided to

speak up, the boy told us all that he was

leaving the school and moving to another city. I always felt bad about that afterwards.

(….) But on the day that I had decided to speak up, the boy told us all

Слайд 11
Complete the sentences with the phrases: have no right; have

the right to; have the responsibility to; do their bit;

take responsibility for; stand up for your rights.

1. You shouldn’t let your employer make you work so many hours. You should……!
2. You……..to speak to me like that!
3. As the captain the basketball team, I fell I…..go to all the practices.
4. We all……..freedom of speech.
5. Who’s going to …….. organizing the picnic next week?
6. I think everyone should ………. for the environment.

Complete the sentences with the phrases: have no right; have the right to; have the responsibility to;

Слайд 121. stand up for your rights;
2. have no right;
3. have

the responsibility to;
4. have the right to;
5. take responsibility for;

do their bit

Check yourself

1. stand up for your rights;2. have no right;3. have the responsibility to;4. have the right to;5.

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