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Seeing is Believing 9 класс

Seeing is believingEnglish lesson, form 9,Module 3Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English teacher of Secondary School №15, Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk Region

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Do you like the fine art?
Do you like visiting galleries

and museums?

Do you like the fine art?Do you like visiting galleries and museums?

Слайд 2Seeing is believing
English lesson, form 9,
Module 3
Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English

teacher of Secondary School №15, Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk Region

Seeing is believingEnglish lesson, form 9,Module 3Lobanova Elena Alexandrovna, English teacher of Secondary School №15, Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk

Слайд 4Next
Meaning illusions
How many faces
can you see in the picture?

How many people are in the picture?
Who are they?

a young lady and an old woman












NextMeaning illusionsHow many faces can you see in the picture?10 facesHow many people are in the picture?

Слайд 5Moving illusion
We see the wheels are moving. But it’s only

an optical illusion because we know that it is simply

the picture!

The dots seem to be turning. But it is an optical illusion too because it is exactly clear that they are painted!



Moving illusionWe see the wheels are moving. But it’s only an optical illusion because we know that

Слайд 6Colour illusion
It seems there are dark and light squares on

the chess board. But it is the grey colour illusion.

The light squares in the shadow have the same colour as the dark squares. Look at A and B!

The horses seem to have the different colours. But it’s only the background illusion. These horses have the same colour. Look at them!



Colour illusionIt seems there are dark and light squares on the chess board. But it is the

Слайд 7Up and down illusion
We see the lady and the man

are smiling and looking at each other. But if we

turn the picture upside down we see the people are arguing!

Which animals do you see in the picture?
Do you see a frog or a horse?



Up and down illusionWe see the lady and the man are smiling and looking at each other.

Слайд 8Next
Geometric illusion
It seems that the red lines are hooped in

the centre, not straight. But it’s only a geometrical illusion.

The lines are really parallel!

Eventually, they appear to touch, but we all know that they don’t really. Our eyes are simply playing tricks on us!

The further down you see at the end of the train tracks, the closer they seem to be .

NextGeometric illusionIt seems that the red lines are hooped in the centre, not straight. But it’s only

Слайд 9Assumption
a white cap
The Kitchen Maid, 1660
a brown face
a bread
a milk

fresh bread
a broken
a ceramic jug
sunburnt hands
a painted wall
some holes

are your assumptions?
Assumptiona white capThe Kitchen Maid, 1660a brown facea breadbasketa milk bucketfresh breada broken glassa ceramic jugsunburnt handsa

Слайд 10Description
The Vintage at Chateau Lagrange, 1864
There is the country scene

background is sky and open countryside
It’s early autumn at the


The field workers are collecting grapes

A group of women carrying baskets is central

The boy and men are helping carry baskets

A man is driving a cart along the road

Two oxen are pulling a cart with the container

The colour shades are mostly green, red and blue

The picture looks very realistic

DescriptionThe Vintage at Chateau Lagrange, 1864There is the country sceneThe background is sky and open countrysideIt’s early

Слайд 11Attention
What shows this oil painting?
Whose portrait is it?
What can we

see in the background?
Who is in the centre in the


What is the season?

What are the children doing?

What are the colour shades?

How does the painting look?

The Sunday School Walk, 1872

The route end

AttentionWhat shows this oil painting?Whose portrait is it?What can we see in the background?Who is in the

Слайд 12Information resources:
Слайд 1 (Пролог)
http://stream.get-tune.net/file/102040551/68969043/788461077/b89c6d3a93e4ba8d/Neizvestnyj_ispolnitel_-_tihaya_spokojnaya_no_ya_by_skazala_ochen_tainstvennaya_muzyka_(get-tune.net).mp3 таинственная музыка
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3889/14460180804_64bd4303ee_b.jpg группа детей 1

группа детей 2
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8110/8488166165_ff5ea0615c_b.jpg осмотр картин
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3317/13073175563_17fcc706fe_b.jpg мама с сыном
http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/290/cache/gallery-louvre_29081_600x450.jpg двое
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2556/3921704627_875b7ae57f_o.jpg зал

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3488/3265175057_3a9a93d0a7_b.jpg коллекция картин
Слайд 2 (Титульный)
http://www.lenagold.ru/fon/tkan/tkan/gol/goltum04.jpg серый фон
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs25/i/2008/114/0/1/The_All_Seeing_Eye_by_Lylly55.jpg голубой глаз
http://www.photo-dictionary.com/photofiles/list/450/824palette.jpg палитра
http://artsofpassage.com/TheArts/visualarts.jpg мальчик с кистью
Слайд 3 (Маршрут)
http://acesweboflearning2012.wikispaces.com/file/view/optical%20illusions%204.jpg/373339012/optical%20illusions%204.jpg корабли
http://www.fierceinc.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/3-Tips-to-Avoid-Making-Assumptions-as-a-Leader.jpg лупа и паззл
http://daisyyellowart.com/storage/130428_sunny_0013.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1367171358085 акварель
http://baneofyourresistance.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/payattention_small1.jpg стрелки
http://s39.radikal.ru/i085/0907/d1/034bba3c7168.png рама
http://s47.radikal.ru/i118/1102/35/9109cf10b378.png рама 2
http://s09.radikal.ru/i182/1307/f5/214167ba5718.png рама 3
http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9316/981986.56/0_88edd_f0201a5c_orig рама овал 1
http://i037.radikal.ru/1307/d3/bdaaa78b99b7.png овал2
Слайд 4
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hYqwUFUxy8c/TnzEIp1diRI/AAAAAAAAB_4/LVhdc5xLtQ0/s400/optical_illusion_fun.jpg старуха и дама
http://www.college-humor.info/Optical-Illusions/images/College-Humor-Top-100-Optical-Illusions-Puzzles-110.jpg старик
http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/2a/1d/f7/2a1df74676fe0f6d8052a5d5f6baa613.jpg брошь «Глаз»
Слайд 5
http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2281/2255015074_18dfeb3cdd.jpg движущиеся шестерни
http://www.mathfail.com/optical-illusion2.jpg движущиеся точки

Information resources:Слайд 1 (Пролог)http://stream.get-tune.net/file/102040551/68969043/788461077/b89c6d3a93e4ba8d/Neizvestnyj_ispolnitel_-_tihaya_spokojnaya_no_ya_by_skazala_ochen_tainstvennaya_muzyka_(get-tune.net).mp3 таинственная музыкаhttps://farm4.staticflickr.com/3889/14460180804_64bd4303ee_b.jpg группа детей 1 https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3840/14438196296_2f0c16ac15_b.jpg группа детей 2https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8110/8488166165_ff5ea0615c_b.jpg осмотр картинhttps://farm4.staticflickr.com/3317/13073175563_17fcc706fe_b.jpg мама с

Слайд 13Слайд 6
http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0910/greyillusion_wikipedia_big.png иллюзия серого
http://mathamusement.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/optic_color_2.jpg лошади
Слайд 7
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-ZezXI8AVYc/TJiSQv7FgpI/AAAAAAAAB6E/hxppQibTVfA/s400/Cool+upside+down+optical+illusion.jpg иллюзия «вниз и вверх»

лягушка и лошадь
Слайд 8
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Q8p6JEMW_so/RohM9Fj3CEI/AAAAAAAAAS8/eZwnBjsZRQc/s1600/herings_red.jpg параллельные прямые
http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608055481147199083&pid=1.7 рельсы
Слайд 9
http://image0-rubylane.s3.amazonaws.com/shops/tlwoods/s0246.1L.jpg глаз украшение

голландская музыка
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e3/JohannesVermeer_-_De_koppelaarster.jpg/640px-JohannesVermeer_-_De_koppelaarster.jpg автопортрет Яна Вермеера
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/Jan_Vermeer_van_Delft_021.jpg/640px-Jan_Vermeer_van_Delft_021.jpg «Кухарка»
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Vermeer_La_Laitiere_detail_visage.JPG голова девушки
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Vermeer_La_Laitiere_detail_chaufferette.JPG шкатулка
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Vermeer_La_Laitiere_detail_trous_dans_le_mur.JPG дыры в стене
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/ff/Vermeer_La_Laitiere_detail_carreau_brise.JPG разбитое окно
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Vermeer_La_Laitiere_detail_mur_et_pot_au_lait.JPG кувшин молока
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Vermeer_La_Laitere_detail_huche_et_seau.JPG корзина и бидон
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/Vermeer_La_Laitiere_detail_nature_morte.JPG хлеб
Слайд 10
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Jules_Breton_001.jpg/320px-Jules_Breton_001.jpg портрет Жюля Бретона
http://en.wahooart.com/Art.nsf/O/8YE7WA/$File/Jules-adolphe-Breton-The-Vintage-at-Chateau-Lagrange.JPG «Урожай в замке Лагранж»
Неврюева Т.А. Прием "Постепенное изменение черно-белого изображения на цветное«
http://cs1519.vk.me/u5066924/audios/bc33ca427be7.mp3?extra=4oNJpFBpvRNYk0rwRs9GyNCVHkwEh6XgCJnDd2QnXkUYsoJkEPBhBbE17pht5AEin2__dc7_LDZDZxqkIv3EnO6uJNwxo3tG французская музыка
Слайд 11
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Albert_Anker_-_Selbstbildnis_im_Profil%2C_nach_links.jpg портрет Альберта Анкера
http://muzda.ru/poisk.php?link=/track/=OhIz6tH_cBQ=ehI_e5I=epM «Музыка леса», джазовая музыка для детей
http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/3/75/908/75908019_large_Anker_Schulspaziergang_1872.jpg «Воскресная прогулка»
Слайд 12-13 Информационные источники (слайды скрыты).

Слайд 6http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0910/greyillusion_wikipedia_big.png иллюзия серогоhttp://mathamusement.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/optic_color_2.jpg лошадиСлайд 7http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-ZezXI8AVYc/TJiSQv7FgpI/AAAAAAAAB6E/hxppQibTVfA/s400/Cool+upside+down+optical+illusion.jpg иллюзия «вниз и вверх»http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_uEfb2CciOxU/S7j4huktrcI/AAAAAAAABCY/5Lmd_NZbb9I/s400/frog_horse.jpg лягушка и лошадьСлайд 8http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Q8p6JEMW_so/RohM9Fj3CEI/AAAAAAAAAS8/eZwnBjsZRQc/s1600/herings_red.jpg параллельные прямыеhttp://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608055481147199083&pid=1.7 рельсыСлайд

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