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Слайды к уроку английского языка по теме "Highland Games" для 6 класса

Highland Games get together the chiefs of the clans

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Highland Games
Scottish traditions and customs

Highland GamesScottish traditions and customs

Слайд 2Highland Games get together the chiefs of the clans

Highland Games get together the chiefs of the clans

Слайд 3Bagpipers open the Games playing national solemn music

Bagpipers open the Games playing national solemn music

Слайд 4The Games start with the parade of participants in national


The Games start with the parade of participants in national clothes

Слайд 5Young bagpipers take part in the parade

Young bagpipers take part in the parade

Слайд 6Strict arbitraries get ready for the contests

Strict arbitraries get ready for the contests

Слайд 7Wooden fortress is built specially for the Games

Wooden fortress is built specially for the Games

Слайд 8Only strong and experienced sportsmen take risk in such contests

Only strong and experienced sportsmen take risk in such contests

Слайд 9Caber tossing is very popular

Caber tossing is very popular

Слайд 10The caber is heavy and long

The caber is heavy and long

Слайд 11The sportsmen prepare the cabers themselves

The sportsmen prepare the cabers themselves

Слайд 12Throwing heavy stones is a real challenge

Throwing heavy stones is a real challenge

Слайд 13National fight is also a part of the competitions

National fight is also a part of the competitions

Слайд 14Clan marches are included in the Games

Clan marches are included in the Games

Слайд 15The spectators have a chance to compete (pulling a cable)

The spectators have a chance to compete (pulling a cable)

Слайд 16Throwing a hammer

Throwing a hammer

Слайд 17Throwing weights over the plank

Throwing weights over the plank

Слайд 18Archery is a sport and an art

Archery is a sport and an art

Слайд 19Men and women compete in dances

Men and women compete in dances

Слайд 20The Scots living in other countries also take part in

the Games

The Scots living in other countries also take part in the Games

Слайд 21The Games finish with bagpipers parade

The Games finish with bagpipers parade

Слайд 22Young Scots compete in national dances after the Games of


Young Scots compete in national dances after the Games of adults

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