Разделы презентаций

Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию по английскому языку "What? Where? When?"

Quiz about Britain

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What? Where? When?

What? Where? When?

Слайд 2Quiz about Britain

Quiz about Britain

Слайд 3 This wonderful country has many different names:
1 What is

the official name of the country?

the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland
Great Britain

This wonderful country has many different names:  1 What is the official name  of

Слайд 4 
2 What is the national flag of the UK?


The old Jack
b) The Union Jack
c) The black

d)  Stars and Stripes
 2 What is the national flag of the UK? a) The old Jack b) The Union Jack

Слайд 5 
3. Which river runs through London?

a) the Seine
b) the

c) the Thames
d) the Volga

 3. Which river runs through London? a) the Seineb) the Severn c) the Thamesd) the Volga

Слайд 61. Big
2. Trafalgar
3. Tower
4. Buckingham
5. Westminster
6. The Houses of
7. The

Tower of
8. The London
a) Palace
b) London
c) Eye
d) Ben
e) Square
f) Abbey

h) Bridge

4 Match the words to get the names of places of interest

1. Big2. Trafalgar3. Tower4. Buckingham5. Westminster6. The Houses of7. The Tower of8. The Londona) Palaceb) Londonc) Eyed)

Слайд 75 Match the pictures and the names
Big Ben
Trafalgar Square
The Tower

of London
Tower Bridge
Buckingham Palace
The Houses of Parliament
The London Eye
Westminster Abbey

5 Match the pictures and the namesBig BenTrafalgar SquareThe Tower of LondonTower BridgeBuckingham PalaceThe Houses of ParliamentThe

Слайд 86 Read and match
1. London is
2. The London Eye

3. Buckingham Palace is

4. The Tower of London is
5. The

Houses of Parliament is
6. Big Ben is
7. Trafalgar Square is
8. Westminster Abbey is

a) a big wheel.
b) an ancient fortress.
c) a place where Queen Elisabeth II lives when she is in London.
d) a famous bell.

e) an ancient working church.

f) the capital of the UK.
g) is in the heart of London.
h) home of the British Parliament.

6 Read and match 1. London is2. The London Eye is3. Buckingham Palace is4. The Tower of

Слайд 9 7 English proverbs and sayings. Can you translate? 1. A friend

in need is a friend indeed. 2. All is well

that ends well. 3. Better late than never. 4. Like mother, like daughter. 5. No smoke without a fire. 6. One for all and all for one.

7 English proverbs and sayings. Can you translate?     1. A friend in

Слайд 10Black Box

Black Box

Слайд 11Игра со зрителями

Игра со зрителями

Слайд 12Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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