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The Fauna of the Virgin Forests of the Komi Republic

The Virgin Komi ForestsVirgin Komi Forests are the biggest untouched natural massif in Europe. They are located in the northeast of the Komi Republic. In 1995 Virgin Komi Forests became the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Syktyvkar Humanitarian Pedagogical College named after I.A. Kuratov

Prepared by

Group 841
The Fauna of the Virgin Forests
of the

Komi Republic
Syktyvkar Humanitarian Pedagogical College  named after I.A. Kuratov Prepared by Anna Komar,Group 841 2017The Fauna of

Слайд 2The Virgin Komi Forests
Virgin Komi Forests are the biggest untouched

natural massif in Europe. They are located in the northeast

of the Komi Republic. In 1995 Virgin Komi Forests became the first Russian object included in the list of the World Heritage of UNESCO
The Virgin Komi ForestsVirgin Komi Forests are the biggest untouched natural massif in Europe. They are located

Слайд 3The Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve
The Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve is one of

the oldest natural parks of Russia. It was created in

1930. It is located on the western slopes of the Northern Urals and occupies the area of 721,3 thousand hectars. More than 40 species of vertebral mammals, more than 200 birds, only 1 type of reptiles and 17 species of fish live in the Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve

The Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve	The Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest natural parks of Russia. It

Слайд 4The National Park of Yugyd Va
The area of the National

park of Yugyd Va makes 1891,7 thousand hectars.
It was

founded in 1994. The trading mark of the national park are the picturesque mountains Kolokolnya (the belltower) and the Sabre, and also the fast flowing mountainous rivers Shchugor and Kozhim which enjoy wide popularity among water tourists

The National Park of Yugyd Va	The area of the National park of Yugyd Va makes 1891,7 thousand

Слайд 5The National Park of Yugyd Va
Judging by the wealth and

variety of fauna the park ranks the first among all

the regions of the Komi Republic. In the park there are 43 species of mammals, 190 bird species, 23 species of fishes, 5 species of amphibians and reptiles
The National Park of Yugyd VaJudging by the wealth and variety of fauna the park ranks the

Слайд 6The Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve

The Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve

Слайд 7Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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