Разделы презентаций

The Rainbow of Food 10 класс

The Rainbow of Food

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Words of Wisdom Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell

you what you are.
(Anthelme Brillat –Savarin,
French lawyer and politician)

Words of Wisdom Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are.(Anthelme Brillat –Savarin,French

Слайд 3The Rainbow of Food

The Rainbow of Food

Слайд 4Fruits and vegetables
Pineapples, broccoli, blueberries, celery, peaches, grapes,

pears, raspberries, carrots, aubergines, pumpkins, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cherries, lettuce,

lemons, melons, pumpkins , plums
Fruits and vegetables  Pineapples, broccoli, blueberries, celery, peaches, grapes, pears, raspberries, carrots, aubergines, pumpkins, apples, oranges,

Слайд 5Red Foods

Red Foods

Слайд 6Orange Foods

Orange Foods

Слайд 7Yellow Foods

Yellow Foods

Слайд 8Green Foods

Green Foods

Слайд 9Blue and Purple Foods

Blue and Purple Foods

Слайд 10Questions
Why is still water better than fizzy water?
Do you like

bitter chocolate?
Why do people add spices in the food?
What do

you think about artificial additives?

QuestionsWhy is still water better than fizzy water?Do you like bitter chocolate?Why do people add spices in

Слайд 11Self-reflection
What new information have I learned at the lesson?
Is it

helpful in a real life?
Am I going to use it

Self-reflectionWhat new information have I learned at the lesson?Is it helpful in a real life?Am I going

Слайд 12Hometask
С. 103 у.8 – рассказ на 2 мин.

об улучшении пищевых привычек в соответствии с «радужной диетой», в

рассказе отразить: почему следует иметь здоровые пищевые привычки, как «радужная диета» помогает нам, порекомендовать диету.
Hometask  С. 103 у.8 – рассказ на 2 мин. об улучшении пищевых привычек в соответствии с

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