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Victor Vasnetsov 4 класс

Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in a small village near Vyatka. They were 8 in the family: his father, mother, 5 brothers and Victor. When he was a boy,he

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in a small

village near Vyatka. They were 8 in the
family: his

father, mother, 5 brothers and
Victor. When he was a boy,he liked drawing
and painting pictures.
In 1867 Vasnetsov moved to St. Petersburg.
He studied at the Academy of Arts.
We can see many paintings by Vasnetsov
in Tretyakov Art Gallery in Moscow.
Vasnetsov did the architectural design
for the building of the gallery.
He died in 1926 in his house in Moscow.
Now it’s the Vasnetsov House Museum.
Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in a small village near Vyatka. They were 8 in

Слайд 3 Alenushka.
Do You remember the

Russian tale about
a sister and a brother,

Alenushka and
Ivanushka? One hot, sunny
day they walked
for a long time. The brother
became thirsty.
He saw a goat’s hoof full of water
and drank
from the hoof. Alenushka looked
for her
Brother, but she found only a
white kid. She
sat down on a rock near the lake
and cried.
Alenushka.   Do You remember the  Russian tale about  a sister and

Слайд 4The Flying Carpet

The Flying Carpet

Слайд 5Three Heroes

Three Heroes

Слайд 6Ivan Tzarevich and The Wolf.

Ivan Tzarevich and

Beautiful have a lot of
adventures. The Wolf

their friend.
He rescues them and
helps them to
come back home.
Ivan Tzarevich and The Wolf.  Ivan Tzarevich and Elena the Beautiful have a lot of dangerousadventures.

Слайд 7Thanks for your attention!
See You


Thanks for your attention!     See You soon!

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