Разделы презентаций

We are going to Great Britain

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1We are going to Great Britain

“Double-Decker Bus

We are going to Great Britain“““”.“Double-Decker Bus

Слайд 2 British customs and traditions

British customs and traditions

Слайд 3The Changing of the Guard

The Changing of the Guard

Слайд 9Ceremony of the Keys

Ceremony of the Keys

Слайд 12New Year

New Year

Слайд 16Five- o’clock tea

Five- o’clock tea

Слайд 17British sports

British sports basketball football

Слайд 18 golf

golf  derby

Слайд 19British and Russian customs

British and Russian customs

Слайд 20- kiss my Mum on one cheek -invite her to the


- kiss my Mum on one cheek -invite her to the party

Слайд 21-hold the door open for her -shake hands with her

-hold the door open for her -shake hands with her

Слайд 22Thank you
Thank you
- take off shoes - say”thank you” ‘

Thank youThank you- take off shoes - say”thank you” ‘

Слайд 23- shake hands with him - come at the time

- shake hands with him - come at the time

Слайд 24 Не доволен. Сделал не всё,что мог

Мог бы лучше
Сделал всё,что в моих

Не доволен. Сделал не всё,что мог  Мог бы лучше Сделал всё,что в

Слайд 25Thank you very much

Thank you very much


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