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We are strong when we are united

The day of national unity in Russia7 November Russia celebrates the national unity Day

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1We are strong when we are united.
David Arutyunyan, 7 «А»

class, Lesnogorodskaya school

We are strong when we are united.David Arutyunyan, 7 «А» class, Lesnogorodskaya school

Слайд 2The day of national unity in Russia
7 November Russia celebrates

the national unity Day

The day of national unity in Russia7 November Russia celebrates the national unity Day

Слайд 3Where did the occasion of unity Day

come in

Russia from?

The time of troubles in Russia, 1598 - 1613

Where did the occasion of unity Day

Слайд 4Historical Facts
National unity day was created in honor of one

of the most important events in the history of Russia.

November 4, 1612 people's militia, led by Nizhny Novgorod mayor Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky stormed China town and liberated the capital from Polish invaders.
Historical FactsNational unity day was created in honor of one of the most important events in the

Слайд 5Russia as a multinational state
Russia is a country-civilization. It is

home to about two hundred nations and nationalities, national and

ethnic groups. They differ in their origin and history, racial traits, languages, customs and religions.
Russia as a multinational stateRussia is a country-civilization. It is home to about two hundred nations and

Слайд 6What we need to do to save the country?
Russia is

a multinational country, and the question of unity has and

will always have tremendous value. We have no other choice: in order to save the country, we must maintain the unity of the historical, spiritual, and territorial.
What we need to do to save the country?Russia is a multinational country, and the question of

Слайд 7Friendship of peoples - the path to unity.

Friendship of peoples - the path to unity.

Слайд 8The writers of the unity of people
"No holier than the

bonds of camaraderie! The father loves his child, the mother

loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that's not something brothers: and the beast loves her child. But to become related by kinship of mind, not of blood, could only man"
The writers of the unity of people

Слайд 9Why must we live in the world?
People should live in

peace and harmony with each other. They need to understand

each other. If the consent disappears, it will be war.
Why must we live in the world?People should live in peace and harmony with each other. They

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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