Разделы презентаций

Я люблю Россию

Russia is my country. It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1I love Russia

I love Russia

Слайд 2 Russia is my country. It is the biggest country in

the world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and

Russia is my country. It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two

Слайд 3. Volga is a most long river in Europe. She

flows in Caspian Sea.On coast much beautiful old , as

greater so and small All of these - have its history.

. Volga is a most long river in Europe. She flows in Caspian Sea.On coast much beautiful

Слайд 4Ulyanovsk


Слайд 5The Other symbol to Russia is a birch. You may

find these tree everywhere. People has packed beautiful canto about

this tree
The Other symbol to Russia is a birch. You may find these tree everywhere. People has packed

Слайд 6Moscow - a capital in Russia. In Flint possible, see

that tsar- bell and tsar - a gun, , monument

founder Moscow YUriyu Dolgorukomu and poet Alexander Pushkin
Moscow - a capital in Russia. In Flint possible, see that tsar- bell and tsar - a

Слайд 7
The Big theatre, Tretiyakovskaya галлерея, Zoo.Ostankino and Eternal flame

The Big theatre, Tretiyakovskaya галлерея, Zoo.Ostankino and Eternal flame

Слайд 8 Seven miracles to Russia:
Palace ensemble

in Petergofe

Seven miracles to    Russia:Palace ensemble in Petergofe

Слайд 9Pokrovskiy cathedral cathedral Vasiliya Blessed in Moscow

Pokrovskiy cathedral cathedral Vasiliya Blessed in Moscow

Слайд 10Ma Burial mound and Native land-mother

Ma Burial mound and Native land-mother

Слайд 11
Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal

Слайд 12 Valley geyser on Kamchatke

Valley geyser on Kamchatke

Слайд 13 Natural Poles in Lump

Natural Poles in Lump

Слайд 14 Mountain Elbrus - the most high in Russia

Mountain Elbrus - the most high in Russia

Слайд 15Russia always meets guests by bread and salt

Russia always meets guests by bread and salt

Слайд 16Достопримечательности
Презентацию выполнил
МБОУ Островянской СОШ
Ковалева Наталья Герасимовна

Достопримечательности РоссииПрезентацию выполнилУчительМБОУ Островянской СОШКовалева Наталья Герасимовна

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