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1 topic Shark: description and photo. What does a shark look like? 2 topic How

1topicНегізгі бетThe shark belongs to the type of chordate animals, the class of cartilaginous fish, and the superorder of the shark (Selachii). The origin of the Russian word “shark” originates from

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Слайд 11 topic Shark: description and photo. What does a shark

look like?
2 topic How many teeth does a shark


3 topic Where do sharks live?

4 topic What does a shark eat?

5 topic Shark species, names and photos


Performed: Moldasheva Mariya Bio 18-31

6 topic Shark breeding

1 topic Shark: description and photo. What does a shark look like? 2 topic How many teeth

Слайд 21topic
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The shark belongs to the type of chordate animals,

the class of cartilaginous fish, and the superorder of the

shark (Selachii). The origin of the Russian word “shark” originates from the language of the ancient Vikings, who called any fish with the word “hakall”. In the 18th century, in Russia, they began to call dangerous waterfowl and so the word originally sounded like “sharks”. Most sharks live in salt water, but some species live in fresh water. Due to the variety of species, the length of the sharks varies greatly: small bottom sharks barely reach 20 cm, and a whale shark reaches 20 meters and weighs 34 tons (weight of an average sperm whale). The shark skeleton has no bones and consists only of cartilage. The streamlined body is covered with scales with pronounced embossed protrusions, the strength of which is not inferior to the teeth, so the shark scales are called "skin of the teeth."
1topicНегізгі бетThe shark belongs to the type of chordate animals, the class of cartilaginous fish, and the

Слайд 4Crested sharks have 6 rows of teeth on the lower

and 4 rows on the upper jaw with a total

of 180-220 teeth. In the jaws of the white and tiger sharks, there are 280-300 teeth, which are located in 5-6 rows on each jaw. The number of dentitions is 20-28 for each jaw, and the total number of teeth is 300-400. A whale shark has 14 thousand teeth in its mouth. The size of the shark's teeth is also different. For example, the size of the teeth of a white shark is 5 cm. The length of the teeth of sharks that feed on plankton is only 5 mm . Horned sharks, eating mainly bottom food, have front sharp small teeth and a back row of large crushing teeth. As a result of grinding or loss, the teeth of predatory fish are replaced by new, growing from the inside of the mouth

2 topic

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Crested sharks have 6 rows of teeth on the lower and 4 rows on the upper jaw

Слайд 6Sharks live in the waters of the entire oceans, that

is, in all seas and oceans. The main distribution occurs

in the equatorial and near-equatorial waters of the seas, near coastal waters, especially in reef buildings. It is worth noting that some species of sharks, such as the common gray shark and blunt shark, are able to live in both salt and fresh water, swimming in rivers . The average shark habitat depth is 2,000 meters; in rare cases, it drops to 3,000 meters.

3 topic

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Sharks live in the waters of the entire oceans, that is, in all seas and oceans. The

Слайд 8The food of sharks is quite diverse and depends on

the specific species and range. Most species prefer marine fish.

Deep sea sharks eat crabs and other crustaceans. A white shark preys on eared seals, elephant seals and cetaceans, a tiger shark swallows everything. And only 3 species - large-mouthed, whale and gigantic sharks eat plankton, cephalopods and small fish.

4 topic

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The food of sharks is quite diverse and depends on the specific species and range. Most species

Слайд 10The modern classification of these ancient fish, which existed hundreds

of millions of years ago, identifies 8 main orders, forming

about 450 species of sharks:

5 topic

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The modern classification of these ancient fish, which existed hundreds of millions of years ago, identifies 8

Слайд 11Sphyrna mokarran
It lives in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian,

Pacific Oceans, Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas. The maximum recorded length

of the hammerhead shark is 6.1 m. The front edge of the hammer is almost straight, which distinguishes them from other hammerhead sharks. The high dorsal fin is sickle-shaped.

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Sphyrna mokarran It lives in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific Oceans, Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.

Слайд 12Carcharhinus falciformis
Lives in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, is found

in the equatorial and adjacent latitudes of the oceans. A

wide-dark shark is characterized by a rather dark color on the back of various shades of gray, blue, brown-brown with a slight metallic sheen. With age, colors fade. The scales covering the skin of the shark are so small that they create the effect of their complete absence. In length, the silk (Florida) shark reaches 2.5-3.5 meters. The maximum recorded weight is 346 kilograms.

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Carcharhinus falciformisLives in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, is found in the equatorial and adjacent latitudes of

Слайд 13Galeocerdo cuvier
It lives off the coast of Japan, New Zealand,

USA, Africa, India, Australia. Tiger shark is considered one of

the most common species of sharks on Earth. These large predators reach a length of 5.5 meters. The color of the leopard shark is gray, the belly is white or light yellow. Until the shark reaches two meters in length, transverse stripes similar to tiger ones are noticeable on its sides. From here its name appeared. These stripes mask predatory fish from their larger relatives. With age, the bands fade

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Galeocerdo cuvierIt lives off the coast of Japan, New Zealand, USA, Africa, India, Australia. Tiger shark is

Слайд 14Carcharhinus leucas
The most aggressive species of sharks, common in tropical

and subtropical oceans, you can often find this predatory fish

in rivers and canals. These huge fish have a spindle-shaped elongated body characteristic of gray sharks, the snout is short, massive and blunt. The surface of the body of a blunt shark is painted gray, the belly is white. The maximum recorded body length is 4 meters.

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Carcharhinus leucasThe most aggressive species of sharks, common in tropical and subtropical oceans, you can often find

Слайд 15Prionace glauca
It is one of the most common sharks on

earth. The habitat of the blue shark is quite wide:

it is found everywhere in the temperate and tropical waters of the oceans. The great blue shark reaches 3.8 meters in length and weighs 204 kilograms. This species has an elongated slender body with long pectoral fins. Body color - blue, belly-white

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Prionace glaucaIt is one of the most common sharks on earth. The habitat of the blue shark

Слайд 16Cetorhinidae
They have an average length of 15 m, but, despite

the impressive dimensions, they are not dangerous for people. The

color is gray-brown with specks. On the caudal stalk there are pronounced lateral keels, the tail of the sharks is sickle-shaped. Giant sharks live mainly in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, North and Mediterranean Seas.

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CetorhinidaeThey have an average length of 15 m, but, despite the impressive dimensions, they are not dangerous

Слайд 17Негізгі бет
A detachment consisting of 32 species of sharks, the

whale shark (lat. Rhincodon typus), growing up to 20 meters

in length, is considered the brightest representative. A good-natured animal that allows divers to stroke themselves and even ride on their backs. Most species feed on shallow mollusks and crayfish. These sharks are found in the warm waters of the tropical and subtropical zones.
Негізгі бетOrectolobiformesA detachment consisting of 32 species of sharks, the whale shark (lat. Rhincodon typus), growing up

Слайд 18Sharks are distinguished by a long puberty. Most females are

capable of fertilization only at 10 years of age, and

the whale shark becomes sexually mature at the age of 30-40 years. Sharks are characterized by internal fertilization: some species lay their eggs, others are egg-born, the rest are viviparous. The incubation period depends on the species and lasts from several months to 2 years. The laying of oviparous fish contains from 2 to 12 eggs. After fertilization, shark eggs are covered with a protein shell, which is also in turn covered with a horn-like shell. This allows you to protect them from various marine predators. The hatched cub immediately begins to live and eat on its own.
In sharks living in captivity, cases of parthenogenesis - fertilization without the participation of males, were recorded.

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6 topic

Sharks are distinguished by a long puberty. Most females are capable of fertilization only at 10 years

Слайд 19Негізгі бет

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Слайд 20Негізгі бет

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