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Video: Snake eating the snail

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3Video: Snake eating the snail

Video: Snake eating the snail

Слайд 5For dictation!

For dictation!

Слайд 8Freddie still loves you and says goodbye)))) (part 8)

Freddie still loves you and says goodbye)))) (part 8)

Слайд 9Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в вторник/среду 19(20).03.19. Сделать на

четверг/пятницу 21(22).03.19!

1.Finish the passive voice test
2.Answer the letter in ОГЭ-style

and send it each other in vk
3.Send a voice sms in our group with the story of your day.
4.Dictation-Weather forecast(prep.copying)

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в вторник/среду 19(20).03.19. Сделать на четверг/пятницу 21(22).03.19!1.Finish the passive voice test2.Answer the

Слайд 12Tell us what your friend said to you:
My friend said

that…..(“I am OK.”)---she was OK.

…..(“I was OK.”)---she had been OK.
…..(“I will be OK.”)---she would be OK.

3.Send a voice sms in our group with the story of your day.


Tell us what your friend said to you:My friend said that…..(“I am OK.”)---she was OK.

Слайд 16A big role play!
Afterwards, you will vote for the best

1.Pretend you are an ant; try to convince an

anteater not to eat you!

2.Explain how to ask a girl on a date.

3.Pretend that you have just seen a dinosaur in New York City; try to get someone to believe you!

4.You need money for a new phone. Ask!

5.Ask the students, “You never tidy your bedrooms. Why? “

6. Choose the person to travel around the world. Why?

7.Role play: “A God chat show”. You are the God to be asked the questions!

10. Show each student in a group .

A big role play!Afterwards, you will vote for the best player! 1.Pretend you are an ant; try

Слайд 18Who is who?

Who is who?

Слайд 19Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в четверг/пятницу 21(22).03.2019.
Сделать на

вторник /среду 26(27).03.19!
Before doing the H.T, write the tasks into

your diary,please!

1.Dictation - Words to spell (prep.copying)
2.W.B: Page_00034, Page_00035, Page_00037
3. PET-listening
4.Write a list of adjective+people

Extra H.T: ОГЭ-test
Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в четверг/пятницу 21(22).03.2019. Сделать на вторник /среду 26(27).03.19!Before doing the H.T, write

Слайд 20Order of Importance-game
“What is important while studying English? ”


Hard work ambition


love for English good teacher pleasant group
Order of Importance-game“What is important while studying English? ” Talent    Hard work

Слайд 27Essay “Two new subjects
in schools”

Essay “Two new subjects in schools”

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