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55 years since the first manned flight into space

Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest distinctions of the several States, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. 12 April 1961 Yuri Gagarin became

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Слайд 155 years since the first manned flight into space.

presentation :
the student group D – 23
Sarkulova F.A.

55 years since the first manned flight into space.  Author presentation : the student group D

Слайд 2Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the

highest distinctions of the several States, honorary citizen of many

Russian and foreign cities. 12 April 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first man in world history to fly into space.
Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest distinctions of the several States, honorary

Слайд 4In 1960, Gagarin begins the "path to the astronauts". He

was enlisted in the cosmonaut detachment to the number of

pilots who had excellent skills of controlling an aircraft. Requirements for candidates (there were 20 of them) high and hard. Health must be excellent, endurance and discipline, excellent knowledge and skills at a high level. Yuri A. he graduated from the training course. Soon, the government has formulated the task for the astronauts, and on April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin began to perform from the Baikonur cosmodrome.
In 1960, Gagarin begins the

Слайд 7This day will forever go down in the history of

all mankind. On this day in Earth orbit was first

launched spacecraft "Vostok", which was people. Space pioneer in the history of mankind, was none other than Yuri Gagarin. His understudy was appointed German Titov. Yury Alekseevich has successfully coped with the task. 1 hour and 48 minutes he scoured the Earth, and successfully completed the flight landing in the village of Smelovka that in the Saratov region. For the flight on the Voskhod spacecraft, Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist labor and order of Lenin.
This day will forever go down in the history of all mankind. On this day in Earth

Слайд 10For the first flight into Space, Gagarin received the most

important – national recognition and love of the common people.

Yuri became very popular and was elected an honorary citizen in such cities as Smolensk, Novocherkassk, Sevastopol, Saratov, Kaluga, Vinnitsa. Loved him and abroad he was made an honorary citizen in Pernik, Limassol, Greenhouse, Athens. In the future, Gagarin spent his socio-political work, but did not forget about the flights. Yuri was Deputy Head of the cosmonaut training center. Two times was selected the Deputy, was a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. Yuri Gagarin was the holder of many Soviet and foreign awards and diplomas.

For the first flight into Space, Gagarin received the most important – national recognition and love of

Слайд 12Yuri died tragically in a plane crash March 27, 1968

(34 years). Was performing a training flight, it turned out

that the plane crashed in area of Vladimir region. The tragic death of Gagarin was a big blow and irreparable loss to society. Yuri buried on red Square. The cause of death of the astronaut voiced by Alexei Leonov, in 2013, that all these years he conducted an investigation and calculations. In the sky were two aircraft (the other aircraft was not supposed to be there), not to face and not to get into eddy-trail, Gagarin was forced to make a sudden maneuver. But an attempt to bring the aircraft to a height that unfortunately did not happen. Yuri Gagarin's name will live as long as mankind lives. His name is given to streets, squares and schools. In several cities there is a monument to the Great astronaut, there's a Museum dedicated to Yuri Gagarin.

Yuri died tragically in a plane crash March 27, 1968 (34 years).  Was performing a training

Слайд 14Interesting facts
*Yuri liked to collect cacti.
*On the reverse side of

the moon has a crater named after Gagarin.
*In hockey khkl

the most prestigious award - the Cup and not the League title.
*Before the flight, Yuri Gagarin wrote a letter to the families, just in case. It then was given to the wife, after the tragic death.
Interesting facts*Yuri liked to collect cacti.*On the reverse side of the moon has a crater named after

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