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9 reasons to study Art in high school

The purpose of this article is to show why it is not so scary if your child or you decide to go to an art University or connect your life with

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Слайд 19 reasons to study Art in high school

9 reasons to study Art  in high school

Слайд 2The purpose of this article is to show why it

is not so scary if your child or you decide

to go to an art University or connect your life with creativity. The article describes why you should not be afraid to connect your life with creativity what is interesting about art now and how to make money on it.
The purpose of this article is to show why it is not so scary if your child

Слайд 3All arguments sound like this
1. The internet has created an

explosion of opportunity for digital designers and multimedia artists
2. Fine

artists can reach a worldwide market at the click of a button
3. High school students can achieve recognition while studying
4. Those with a wide skill set have an advantage, in any career
5. Studying Art improves performance in other subjects
6. Good marks impress, no matter what
7. Art marks are not solely dependent on an exam
8. Coursework teaches you self-discipline
9. Art makes you happy

All arguments sound like this1. The internet has created an explosion of opportunity for digital designers and

Слайд 4Parents often ask questions - why should children study art

in high school, because there are so many subjects that

need to be studied and that bring a lot of money, as opposed to drawing. So the article raises this question and the author gives a detailed and convincing answer to this question.
Parents often ask questions - why should children study art in high school, because there are so

Слайд 5One of the reasons, according to the author, is that

in the era of the Internet and digital technologies, there

are more opportunities for self-realization, promotion of their content, and the demand for artists who could draw a website or banner with online advertising is only growing.
One of the reasons, according to the author, is that in the era of the Internet and

Слайд 6As stated in the article, drawing classes do not harm

your studies at all. Studying Art improves performance in other

subjects, helps you relax and concentrate, gives you the opportunity to become popular in the Internet and even enter the world stage with just one click of the mouse.
As stated in the article, drawing classes do not harm your studies at all. Studying Art improves

Слайд 7High school Art programmes begin with observation of the real

world: recording, analysis and creation of a visual response to

the surroundings. Art makes students look at things anew – even mundane ordinary aspects of the world. The fluffy, ‘feel good’ reasons that are usually given for selecting Art as a subject are given because they are right. Art does fill the soul. There is something magical about smearing pencil and paint across a piece of paper and sculpting form with your hands. Communicating with colour and shape and form awakens the imagination; it opens a door to ‘now’. If you love making art, you’ll miss it when it’s gone. And if you do choose to study Art, chances are, it will be your favourite class of the day.
High school Art programmes begin with observation of the real world: recording, analysis and creation of a

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