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9 reasons to study Art in high school

Aim of the articleThis article lists nine reasons to study Art in high school that show that contrary to popular belief, creative subjects are no longer a well-trodden route to poverty;

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9 reasons to study Art in high school

Слайд 2Aim of the article
This article lists nine reasons to study

Art in high school that show that contrary to popular

belief, creative subjects are no longer a well-trodden route to poverty; they are an excellent choice for a growing number of students.
Aim of the articleThis article lists nine reasons to study Art in high school that show that

Слайд 3The main idea
Competition remains tough, with an oversupply of those

wishing to work in a creative field. Success will always

require skill, commitment, dedication and good business sense. Nonetheless, the playing field has been levelled. A multitude of individuals are able to make their living in creative ways that were previously rarely possible. Creators of original content often have the upper hand. Those who are multi-skilled are astronomically more useful, well-rounded, hireable and capable of excelling in a much wider range of professions.

The main ideaCompetition remains tough, with an oversupply of those wishing to work in a creative field.

Слайд 4Reasons
1. The internet has created an explosion of opportunity for

digital designers and multimedia artists
2. Fine artists can reach a

worldwide market at the click of a button
3. High school students can achieve recognition while studying
4. Those with a wide skill set have an advantage, in any career
5. Studying Art improves performance in other subjects
6. Good marks impress, no matter what
7. Art marks are not solely dependent on an exam
8. Coursework teaches you self-discipline
9. Art makes you happy

Reasons1. The internet has created an explosion of opportunity for digital designers and multimedia artists2. Fine artists

Слайд 5Personal opinion
In my opinion, art makes students look at things

anew – even mundane ordinary aspects of the world. If

you love making art, you’ll miss it when it’s gone. And if you do choose to study Art, chances are, it will be your favourite class of the day.
Personal opinionIn my opinion, art makes students look at things anew – even mundane ordinary aspects of

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