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What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine's Day? I'm stuck on you!I love you1/15

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine's

I'm stuck on you!
I love you

What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine's Day? I'm stuck on you!I love you1/15

Слайд 3What did the valentine card say to the stamp?


with me and we'll go places!
I love you

What did the valentine card say to the stamp? Stick with me and we'll go places! I

Слайд 4Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable?
Because it's all heart.

Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable? Because it's all heart.3/15

Слайд 5What did the paper clip say to the magnet?
I find

you very attractive.

What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very attractive.4/15

Слайд 6What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?
I love you

a ton!

What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? I love you a ton!5/15

Слайд 7What did the boy bee say to the girl bee

on Valentine's Day?
You are bee- utiful! Will you bee mine?

What did the boy bee say to the girl bee on Valentine's Day? You are bee- utiful!

Слайд 8What did one snake say to the other snake?
Give me

a little hug and a hiss, honey.

What did one snake say to the other snake? Give me a little hug and a hiss,

Слайд 9What did the boy whale say to the girl whale

on Valentine's Day?

Whale you be mine?

What did the boy whale say to the girl whale on Valentine's Day?Whale you be mine?8/15

Слайд 10What did the light bulb say to the switch?
You turn

me on.

What did the light bulb say to the switch? You turn me on.9/15

Слайд 11What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?


I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand,



What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand,

Слайд 12What did the chocolate syrup say to the ice cream?


sweet on you!"

What did the chocolate syrup say to the ice cream?

Слайд 13What’d did the caveman give his wife on Valentine’s day?


and kisses!

What’d did the caveman give his wife on Valentine’s day?Ughs and kisses!12/15

Слайд 14What kind of flowers do you never give on Valentine's



What kind of flowers do you never give on Valentine's Day?Cauliflowers!13/15

Слайд 15What do you call a very small Valentine?

A Valentiny.

What do you call a very small Valentine?A Valentiny.14/15

Слайд 16Where does Valentine’s Day come after Easter?

In the dictionary.

Where does Valentine’s Day come after Easter?In the dictionary.15/15

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