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9 5 1 13 2 6 10 14 15 3 11 7 4 8 12 16 Insert the image you would like to

You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and Your Picture will Start to Reveal.1

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 19
Insert the image you would like to reveal by going

to Insert from the top menu bar and then select

Picture just below that and browse for your image.

Once you have your image in place on top of the puzzle pieces right click on image and select Send to Back then select Send to Back from the drop down menu.

Play Slide Show by hitting the F5 key on top of the keyboard. What ever piece you click will take you to its question page. For more help check out the tutorial on the last slide

Your Title Here



95113261014153117481216Insert the image you would like to reveal by going to Insert from the top menu bar

Слайд 2You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 3You Can Place Your Question Here
Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 4You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 5You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 6You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 7You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 8You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 9You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 10You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 11You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 12You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 13You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 14You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 15You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 16You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 17You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in

the Bottom Right Corner After Question is Answered Correctly and

Your Picture will Start to Reveal.


You Can Place Your Question Here Click the Arrow in the Bottom Right Corner After Question is

Слайд 18Instruction Tutorial
1. Insert Your own Picture. Once your picture is

inserted, move it so it fits into the square made

of puzzle pieces.

This is a sample Picture

2. Once in place right click on image and select Send to Back then Send to Back from the drop down menu.

3. Play Slide Show By hitting the F5 key on top of you keyboard. Now select a puzzle piece.

Instruction Tutorial1. Insert Your own Picture. Once your picture is inserted, move it so it fits into

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