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Continuous and Non-Continuous Aspect: Form and Meaning

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Aspect:
Meaning and Expression

Aspect:Meaning and Expression

Слайд 2Continuous and Non-Continuous Aspect: Form and Meaning

Continuous and Non-Continuous Aspect: Form and Meaning

Слайд 3Continuous and Non-Continuous Aspect: Form and Meaning
Continuous aspect:
process in progress

at the moment under consideration (present, past or future) or

during a certain period of time
He was watching TV at 5 o’clock.
He was watching TV all year round.

Non-continuous aspect:
a momentary action:
She dropped the plate.
a recurrent action:
I get up at 8 o’clock.
an action or state, which lasts a long period of time:
He went to school from 1958 to 1968.
an action or state of unlimited duration:
They suffer a lot.

Continuous and Non-Continuous Aspect: Form and MeaningContinuous aspect:intensiveprocess in progress at the moment under consideration (present, past

Слайд 4Lexical and Grammatical Means of Expression
Aspect is expressed grammatically with

the help of the opposition of continuous and non-continuous (common)

aspect forms.

Continuous form is marked by a discontinuous morpheme be + -ing.
She was playing the piano when someone knocked.

Non-continuous form is unmarked.
She played the piano twice a day.

Lexical and Grammatical Means of ExpressionAspect is expressed grammatically with the help of the opposition of continuous

Слайд 5Lexical and Grammatical Means of Expression
A young man sat1 at

the desk. = A young man was sitting1 at the

desk. (slight stylistic difference, but no meaning change)
He brought her some flowers. != He was bringing her some flowers. (meaning change)
A young man sat2 on the bench. != A young man was sitting2 on the bench. (meaning change)

Terminative and Non-Terminative Verbs

Lexical and Grammatical Means of ExpressionA young man sat1 at the desk. = A young man was

Слайд 6Lexical and Grammatical Means of Expression
They sat there all day

In the end, he sat there and lighted up a


2. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases
(that actualize the aspective meaning of double aspective verbs)

Lexical and Grammatical Means of ExpressionThey sat there all day long.In the end, he sat there and

Слайд 7English vs. Russian Aspect



he wrote = он писал; он написал

писал = he wrote, he was writing

English vs. Russian Aspectcontinuousnon-continuousperfectiveimperfectivehe wrote = он писал; он написалон писал = he wrote, he was writing

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