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A crash course in the UK history

2800 BC – Stone-age humans start work on Stonehenge monument. Noone knows its true purpose but it is believed that it is a temple for sun worship.

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Слайд 1A crash course in the UK history

A crash course in the UK history

Слайд 22800 BC – Stone-age humans start work on Stonehenge monument.

Noone knows its true purpose but it is believed that

it is a temple for sun worship.
2800 BC – Stone-age humans start work on Stonehenge monument. Noone knows its true purpose but it

Слайд 3750 BC – The Celts are coming. The Celtic peolpe

sacrifice people to their gods. But don’t worry – the

Celts will be soon pushed out to Wales, Cornwall, Scotland and Ireland.
750 BC – The Celts are coming. The Celtic peolpe sacrifice people to their gods. But don’t

Слайд 4Celts couldn’t write because their religious leaders (druids) wouldn’t let

them. Those druids meant that the written word meant power.

Eventually the Celts made an alphabet similar to the Vikings. It was made up of straight lines because those letters were carved onto stone or wood. Historians have been able to learn something of Celt life from those carvings.
Celts couldn’t write because their religious leaders (druids) wouldn’t let them. Those druids meant that the written

Слайд 5Epona
The Celts loved horses.
Celtic people bred horses both for

riding and for pulling carts.They
made fine leather and metal

bridles for their horses and
horses are pictured on much fine Celtic metalwork. In some parts of the Celtic world, herds of horses lived free in the forest. The Celts came every year to catch the best of the foals to break in for riding, pulling carts and breeding.

The name Epona gives rise to modern Welsh ebol 'foal’.

Epona	The Celts loved horses. 	Celtic people bred horses both for 	riding and for pulling carts.They 	made fine

Слайд 6 55 BC – Roman Julius Caeser lands. He came to

Britain and he went back to Rome.

55 BC – Roman Julius Caeser lands. He came to Britain and he went back to

Слайд 7 AD 43 – Romans arrive in Britain and they want

to stay in the south and east of the country.

AD 43 – Romans arrive in Britain and they want to stay in the south and

Слайд 8AD 60 – The Britons in England revolt. They are

led by Queen Boudicca. She burns down the temples and

massacres every Roman she can find. But the Romans win through in the end. Boudicca poisons herself (maybe).
AD 60 – The Britons in England revolt. They are led by Queen Boudicca. She burns down

Слайд 9AD 212 – And here come the Saxons, the Jutes

and those Angles who will give the south of Britain

its new name.
AD 212 – And here come the Saxons, the Jutes and those Angles who will give the

Слайд 10AD 409 –The Romans og home as the Saxon attacks

get stronger in the south. The Roman forces rush off

home to help defend Rome against barbarians.
AD 409 –The Romans og home as the Saxon attacks get stronger in the south. The Roman

Слайд 11AD 500 – King Arthur leads the Celtic Britons in

a fight against the Angles and Saxons. The story may

be just a legend, but the Britons are certainly fighting among themselves and that lets the Saxons wins. As Arthur probably never existed it’s no surprise he lost. Brits believe he’s sleeping and will be back when Britain is in danger.
AD 500 – King Arthur leads the Celtic Britons in a fight against the Angles and Saxons.

Слайд 12AD 793 – The Vikings arrive. They massacre, rob and

soon they will settle too. Where’s Arthur when you need

him? Still sleeping?
AD 793 – The Vikings arrive. They massacre, rob and soon they will settle too. Where’s Arthur

Слайд 13AD 878 – A Saxon leader Alfred the Great fights

back against the Vikings and says: ”You Vikings keep the

north and east – you can call it Danelaw. My Saxons will keep the south and west. We’ll call it Wessex”. And they clinched a deal.
AD 878 – A Saxon leader Alfred the Great fights back against the Vikings and says: ”You

Слайд 14Vikings letters were known as runes. Vikings carved (scratched) their

runes on wood or stone. It’s easier to scratch lines

than curves. So runes were made up of straight lines. The Viking stories, sagas, weren’t written in runes – they were memorised and recited by poets. They were finally written down 200 years after the Vikings attacks had finished. They were written in Latin. Thentieth century writers such as J R R Tolkien have used the idea of runes as a secret language. In his book, The Hobbit, the runes are the writing of the dwarves.
Vikings letters were known as runes. Vikings carved (scratched) their runes on wood or stone. It’s easier

Слайд 151066 – The nasty Normans arrive from Normandy (north in

France) and still Arthur doesn’t show. That must be one

deep sleep.
1066 – The nasty Normans arrive from Normandy (north in France) and still Arthur doesn’t show. That

Слайд 161066 – The Norans conquer Britain and 1,500,000 English are

ruled by just 20,000 Normans. They rule by terror and

by building castles. The King owns all the land and shares it out among his barons. Only ONE of these barons is English – the rest are Norman French. What happened to the English. They became peasants workers.
1066 – The Norans conquer Britain and 1,500,000 English are ruled by just 20,000 Normans. They rule

Слайд 171215 – Magna Carta
King John upsets everyone in sight –

the barons, the Pope, the people. In the end they

force him to sign the Great Charter (Magna Carta). It gives some power to the people. John then says: ”I may have signed it but I am going to ignore it!”.
1215 – Magna Carta	King John upsets everyone in sight – the barons, the Pope, the people. In

Слайд 181534 – Break-up with Rome
Henry VIII Tudor doesn’t like being

told what to do by the head of the Catholic

Church, the Pope. Henry wants a divorce – Pope says, ”No”. Henry says, ”Right! I’ll make my own Church of England and give myself a divorce. This new Protestant religion will cause untold misery in its struggle against the old Catholic Church. And English will kill and torture English, of course.
1534 – Break-up with Rome	Henry VIII Tudor doesn’t like being told what to do by the head

Слайд 191485 – 1603 The Tudor Era

1485 – 1603 The Tudor Era

Слайд 20- 1603 Elizabethan Era
The Tudor age is famous for

its theatre. Great writers like Shakespeare created plays which are

performed all around the world to this day.
Shakespeare didn’t touch upon religion in his plays – doing religion could have got him hanged, burned and chopped !
- 1603 Elizabethan Era 		The Tudor age is famous for its theatre. Great writers like Shakespeare created

Слайд 21Grusome Shakespearean plays
Shakespeare touched upon his favourie subjects as crime

and revege, witches and ghosts and tales of horror.

Grusome Shakespearean plays	Shakespeare touched upon his favourie subjects as crime and revege, witches and ghosts and tales

Слайд 221688 – The Glorious Revolution
James II fights agains William of

Orange. The English don’t want Catholic James II any more

so the English lords have invited William over. It’s called ”The Glorious Revolution” and not-so-glamorous James runs away to France. The English have got rid of the Scottish Stuarts and now the country is run by a Dutchman.
1688 – The Glorious Revolution	James II fights agains William of Orange. The English don’t want Catholic James

Слайд 231707 – The Act of Union
England has shared its Parliament

with Wales since 1536 (when a Welsh Tudor was ruling).

Now, a hundred years after having a Scottish king, it finally gets around to sharing its Parliament with the old enemy, Scotland. It was done, but it was not a popular act in Scotland. In fact it was said that the English bribed the Scottish to make a deal.
The Act of Union 1707 created one kingdom of England, Wales and Scotland – at last we have ”Britain”. But Britain won’t be great until 1801 when Ireland joins.
1707 – The Act of Union	England has shared its Parliament with Wales since 1536 (when a Welsh

Слайд 241801 – The Act of Union
Ireland joins Britain and thus

the United Kingdom is created.

1801 – The Act of Union	Ireland joins Britain and thus the United Kingdom is created. KINGDOM OF

Слайд 251750 – 1914 Industrial Revolution
During the Industrial Revolution many

machines were invented which changed people’s lives. People migrated from

the countryside to towns.
1750 – 1914 Industrial Revolution 	During the Industrial Revolution many machines were invented which changed people’s lives.

Слайд 26Grusome for poor people
The factory owners became very rich and

lived well, but the factory owners were very poor. They

lived in tiny, crowded houses with no bathroom or clean water. Children as young as 5 had to work 12 or more hours each day and life was really hard.
Grusome for poor people	The factory owners became very rich and lived well, but the factory owners were

Слайд 27Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
Charles Dickens is one of the most popular

writers of all time. He was a writer in the

Victorian age in England. Dickens wrote about child labour and his books include Oliver Twist and David Copperfield.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)	Charles Dickens is one of the most popular writers of all time. He was a

Слайд 281837 – 1901 The Victorian age
The Victorian period was the

time of prosperity for the British people as a result

of profits from overseas colonies and industrial revolution at home.
1837 – 1901 The Victorian age	The Victorian period was the time of prosperity for the British people

Слайд 291905 - Suffrage
Women decide they want the vote. So they

starve themselves with hunger strikes, set fires to buildings.

1905 - Suffrage	Women decide they want the vote. So they starve themselves with hunger strikes, set fires

Слайд 301914 – 1918 – WWI in Europe
Remembrance Day (also known

as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is a memorial day

since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.
1914 – 1918 – WWI in Europe	Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is

Слайд 311922 – The Irish fight for freedom
Over the time the

Irish became unhappy and they rebelled and fought for their

freedom. After many bloody battles, Ireland finally separated from the UK in 1922. However, Northern Ireland stayed in the union.

1922 – The Irish fight for freedom	Over the time the Irish became unhappy and they rebelled and

Слайд 321939 – 1945 – WWII in Europe
Another war against Germany.

By March 1940 Britain is led by the heroic and

loved Winston Churchill who promised the British ”blood, toil, tears and sweat”.
1939 – 1945 – WWII in Europe	Another war against Germany. By March 1940 Britain is led by

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