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A New G o v e r n m e n t ! ! ! !

But First………The Articles of the ConfederationLast 8yrsGave more power to states then central gov’t

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Слайд 1A New Government!!!!

A New Government!!!!

Слайд 2But First………
The Articles of the Confederation
Last 8yrs
Gave more power to

states then central gov’t

But First………The Articles of the ConfederationLast 8yrsGave more power to states then central gov’t

Слайд 3Troubles
~ gov’t couldn’t collect taxes
~ no way to get $

couldn’t pay back $ lent for the Amer Rev
~ Owed

$ to: other countries/private citizens
~no wanted to trade with the US b/c Amer didn’t have power to enforce any laws

Territorial Issues
- no1 would give Amer a break over land
- other nations gave amer nonsense over land issues
- states were fighting each other over boundaries & $

TroublesDebt~ gov’t couldn’t collect taxes	~ no way to get $~ couldn’t pay back $ lent for the

kept nation together
negotiated the Treaty of Paris 1783
ended the Amer

Created 2 laws:
1-Ordinance of 1785: sale of public land
2-Northwest Ordinance:

made a plan of how to govern new territories
ACCOMPLISHMENTSkept nation togethernegotiated the Treaty of Paris 1783ended the Amer RevCreated 2 laws:	1-Ordinance of 1785: sale of

Слайд 5Tell me….wait don’t; nah go ahead!
ppl liked not being told

what to do, but wanted someone to help run things


a stronger gov’t

farmers couldn’t make payments on land; were losing farms to the bank
Tell me….wait don’t; nah go ahead!ppl liked not being told what to do, but wanted someone to

Слайд 6Take off his head!!! (not really) Shay’s Rebellion
Daniel Shay (former militia

leader) lead a group of angry farmers who lost their

farms in Mass in 1786.
It was easily ended, but opened the doors for the discussion of a
need for stronger central gov’t.

Take off his head!!! (not really) Shay’s RebellionDaniel Shay (former militia leader) lead a group of angry

Слайд 7Constitutional Convention
Meant to REVISE the Articles
Independence Hall in Philly, 1787

of 13: sent delegates (RI did not )
55 ppl (aka:

founding fathers)
1/2 lawyers/1/2 famers-merchants
George Washington president of the convention
James Madison: Secretary
no women, Native Americans, or African-Americans
Constitutional ConventionMeant to REVISE the ArticlesIndependence Hall in Philly, 178712 of 13: sent delegates (RI did not

Слайд 9My way! No, MY way! Hey let’s COMPROMISE!!! =)
New Jersey

all states have equal rep in gov’t
Virginia Plan:
rep based

on population
Great Compromise:
divide gov’t into 2 houses
1: upper house: senate ~ 2 reps per state
2: lower house: house of representatives ~ based on population
these make up congress
My way! No, MY way! Hey let’s COMPROMISE!!! =)New Jersey Plan:all states have equal rep in gov’t

Слайд 10Slaves….what to do, what to do?
South wanted slaves to count

did not
Would mean south had more people in their the

Three-Fifths Compromise!!!!
3 of every 5 slaves count as a person for representation and tax purposes
Everyone some what happy…see what happens when you work together!

Slaves….what to do, what to do?South wanted slaves to countNorth did notWould mean south had more people

Слайд 11Issues with Trade….
Ppl in the North wanted congress to regulate

Farmers in the South did not
feared losing money/slaves
no regulations until

Congress decided to tax imports
regulate interstate and foreign trade
Issues with Trade….	Ppl in the North wanted congress to regulate tradeFarmers in the South did notfeared losing

Слайд 12Preamble


Seperation of Powers
Executive: President ~ enforce laws (helped

by VP & assistants) 15 executive depts.- leaders make up

Legislative: Congress ~ make laws, 2 houses
Senate 100 members
HoR 435 members (present day #)
Judicial: All courts ~ interpret the laws; Supreme Court (9 justices), 12 appeal courts/94
districts/ few “special courts”
LETS START OVER!!!!Seperation of PowersExecutive: President ~ enforce laws (helped by VP & assistants) 15 executive depts.-

Слайд 15Checks & Balances
check Pres by not giving $
block new/get

rid of agencies
Senate reject treaties (need 2/3 vote to pass)

presidential appointments
HoR impeach pres, then Senate does
Check Judicial by creating/abolishing lower courts
impeach federal judges
Checks & BalancesLegislative: check Pres by not giving $block new/get rid of agenciesSenate reject treaties (need 2/3

Слайд 16Checks & Balances
Judicial: pardon convicts/appoint judges
Legislative: veto (not sign)

a bill
veto can be overridden by 2/3 vote in both

declare laws unconstitutional, then void them
Judicial Review declare laws/practices unconst.

Checks & BalancesExecutive: Judicial: pardon convicts/appoint judges	Legislative: veto (not sign) a billveto can be overridden by 2/3

Слайд 18Checks & Balances
Checks on the ppl:
Electoral college (elects pres)
Judges appointed/senators

(used to be appointed)
HoR: 2yr
Senate: 6yr
Pres: 4yr (2 terms

in a lifetime)
Supreme Court: life or impeachment
Checks & BalancesChecks on the ppl:Electoral college (elects pres)Judges appointed/senators (used to be appointed)HoR: 2yrSenate: 6yr Pres:

Слайд 19We want it…No, we don’t….Lets talk!
supported new const
reg trade/strong

gov’t/help nations $ prob
anti new const
felt it didn’t protect

fundamental rights
We want it…No, we don’t….Lets talk!Federalist: supported new constreg trade/strong gov’t/help nations $ probAnti-Federalists: anti new constfelt

Слайд 20Ratifying the Constitution
9 of 13 states needed to approve for

the new gov’t to take place

Ratifying the Constitution	9 of 13 states needed to approve for the new gov’t to take place

Слайд 21Lets be Flexible!!!
Articles were to rigid, no way to

change with the times
Constitution can

be changed (amended) in 4 ways:
1- Proposal by congress (2/3 vote both houses)
~ratified/accepted by ¾ vote of state legislature
2- 2/3 vote both houses
~ratification ¾ Const Convention in ¾ States
3 & 4 never used.
Lets be Flexible!!! Articles were to rigid, no way to change with the timesNEW ONE NEEDED TO

Слайд 22Amending the Constitution

Amending the Constitution

Слайд 23Anti-Feds wanted more rights for the people protected sooooo……
Bill of

Rights: (1st 10 amendments)
created to get anti-federalist to approve the

new Const.
restricts const, and grants individual rights
Anti-Feds wanted more rights for the people protected sooooo…… Bill of Rights: (1st 10 amendments)created to get

Слайд 24The Bill of Rights
1: freedom of religion, press, & speech

right to bare arms
3: no housing soldiers
4: no illegal search

5: right not to
incriminate one self/ no double jeopardy

6: Right to a speedy & fair trial
7: Trial by a jury of your peers
8: No Cruel or unusual punishment
9: Just b/c its not stated doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
10: Everything in the Constitution is up to the states to interpret

The Bill of Rights1: freedom of religion, press, & speech2: right to bare arms3: no housing soldiers4:

Слайд 25THE END!!!!!!!!!
Now get ready to do a cheat sheet and

have test =)

THE END!!!!!!!!!Now get ready to do a cheat sheet and have test =)

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