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A person with Disability Act 1995

DISABILITYDisability" means- person with disability" means a person suffering from not less than forty per cent of any disability as certified by a medical authority; • blindness; • low vision; •

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Слайд 1A person with Disability Act 1995
Patel Dimpal 17ll1a

A person with Disability Act 1995Patel Dimpal 17ll1a

Disability" means- person with disability" means a person suffering from

not less than forty per cent of any disability as

certified by a medical authority;
• blindness;
• low vision;
• leprosy-cured;
• hearing impairment;
• loco motor disability;
• mental retardation;
• mental illness


The Economic and social commission for Asian and pacific region

convened a meeting at Beijing in December 1992 to launch

Asian and pacific decade of disabled persons 1993-2002.
• In that meeting the proclamation on the full participation and equality of people with Disabilities in the Asian and the pacific region was adopted India being a signatory to the above said proclamation it was obligatory to enact a suitable legislation
INTRODUCTIONThe Economic and social commission for Asian and pacific region convened a meeting at Beijing in December

Слайд 4• Accordingly the person with Disabilities equal oppurnities, protection of

equal righties ,participation bill 1995 was introduced in the loksabha

on 26 th August 1995
• This Act may be called the Persons With Disabilities.

• Accordingly the person with Disabilities equal oppurnities, protection of equal righties ,participation bill 1995 was introduced

Слайд 5A person with Disability Act 1995
•The Central Coordination Committee

The State Coordination Committee
• Prevention And Early Detection Of

• Education
• Employment
• Affirmative Action
• Non – Discrimination
• Research And Manpower Development
• Recognition Of Institutions For Persons With Disabilities
• Institution For Persons With Severe Disabilities
• The Chief Commissioner And Commissioners For Persons With Disabilities
• Social Security
A person with Disability Act 1995•The Central Coordination Committee • The State Coordination Committee • Prevention And

Слайд 6A person with Disability Act 1995
This Act may be called

the Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and

Full Participation) Act, 1995.
• It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
• It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint.
• persons who seek to engage employees from amongst the persons suffering from disabilities;
A person with Disability Act 1995This Act may be called the Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection

Слайд 7• persons with disability who seek employment;
• vacancies to

which person with disability seeking employment may be appointed;

"State Co-ordination Committee" means the State Co-ordination Committee constituted under sub-section (1) of section 13;
• "State Executive Committee" means the State Executive Committee constituted under subsection (l) of section 19.
• persons with disability who seek employment; • vacancies to which person with disability seeking employment may

Слайд 8AIMS
The aims and objectives of the Act are:
• To

spell out the responsibility of the state towards the -prevention

of disabilities, protection of rights, provision of medical care, education, training, employment and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities;
• To create a barrier free environment;
• To counteract any situation of abuse and exploitation of persons; and
• To make special provision of the integration of persons with disabilities into the social mainstream
AIMSThe aims and objectives of the Act are: • To spell out the responsibility of the state

 Appropriate Governments and local authorities

to take certain steps for the prevention of occurrence of

disabilities. - Within the limits of their economic capacity and development, the appropriate Governments and the local authorities, with a view to preventing the occurrence of disabilities, shall-
• undertake or cause to be undertaken surveys, investigations and research concerning the cause of occurrence of disabilities;
• promote various methods of preventing disabilities;
• screen all the children at least once in a year for the purpose of identifying "at-risk" cases;
PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION OF DISABILITY Appropriate Governments and local authorities to take certain steps for the prevention

Слайд 10• provide facilities for training to the staff at the

primary health centres;
• sponsor or cause to be sponsored

awareness campaigns and disseminate or cause to be disseminated information for general hygiene, health and sanitation;
• take measures for pre-natal, parental and post-natal care of mother and child;
• educate the public through the pre-schools, schools, primary health centres, village level workers and anganwadi workers

• provide facilities for training to the staff at the primary health centres; • sponsor or cause

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