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A shape poem BETTER LATE THAN... by Patrick Winstanley

BETTER LATE THAN...Are you one of those punctualPeople who organises everythingWith precision? Utterly dependableTotally reliable wholly predictable.Or is your entire life lived in a state ofChaotic confusion? Rushing hither andWhence: late

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Слайд 1A shape poem «BETTER LATE THAN...» by Patrick Winstanley
By Guretskaya Daria

and Smolnikova Daria, group 0-18-46

A shape poem «BETTER LATE THAN...» by Patrick WinstanleyBy Guretskaya Daria and Smolnikova Daria, group 0-18-46

Are you one of those punctual
People who organises

With precision? Utterly dependable
Totally reliable wholly predictable.
Or is your entire

life lived in a state of
Chaotic confusion? Rushing hither and
Whence: late arrivals missed meetings
Delayed departures and in your wake
A trail of disappointment and despair
I am the former; my wife the latter
‘Hurry up, if we don’t leave now
We’ll miss the plane’ shouted
Plaintively from the foot
Of the stairs produced
A sound of hurried
Footsteps and
Her muffled
My make-up
On, I promise I
Won’t be a jiffy.
And I must just run a
Brush through my hair
And hurl some clothing into
A suitcase’. My fingers drummed
On the bannister as I felt my anger
Welling from deep within me, ‘Ready?’
I asked, as I bounded into our bedroom
I laid my hands upon her shoulders and
I began caressing her neck as I repeated
The question. ‘Ready?’ ‘Lordy, how many
Times am I going to have to repeat this,
I’m ready when I’m ready, not before’
Was the rather strangulated reply,
The last words spoken by my dear
Late wife before she departed.
BETTER LATE THAN...Are you one of those punctualPeople who organises everythingWith precision? Utterly dependableTotally reliable wholly predictable.Or

Слайд 3Backgrounding means
Aposiopesis in the title of the poem marked by

suspension points (...) demonstrates the narrator overcoming with anger, excitement.

It is the famous proverb "Better late than never" that is often expressed with a degree of sarcasm, saying something positive but merely hinting at somebody's lateness. 
Backgrounding meansAposiopesis in the title of the poem marked by suspension points (...) demonstrates the narrator overcoming

Слайд 4Foregrounding means
There are words and expressions relating to the thematic

field of time and hurry, e.g., "punctual", "rushing", "late", "missed",

"delayed", "hurry up", "hold on", "I won't be a jiffy", "Ready?". 
It is noteworthy that the enumerations of certain traits of character ("Utterly dependable totally reliable wholly predictable...") or of successive events ("...late arrivals missed meetings delayed departures...") are without commas, that helps to create the effect of being in eternal rush.
The second enumeration is put in parallel structure with the line "...a trail of disappointment and despair..." that helps to highlight the idea that life is too short to be in a hurry.
Foregrounding meansThere are words and expressions relating to the thematic field of time and hurry, e.g.,

Слайд 5Foregrounding means
Asyndeton in the line 10 creates an effect of

two separated spouses.
A metaphor "strangulated reply" contributes to the idea

of a drastic difference between the two spouses and between their emotional states that are antithetic to each other: while the wife is slow, her response is "muffled", the husband gets rattled as his "...fingers drummed on the bannister as (he) felt (his) anger welling from deep within (him)...", he "bounded into" their room which presupposes a high level of excitement. The antithesis is not only marked verbally but typographically.
There is a gradation of negative emotions of husband: «My fingers drummed on the bannister as I felt my anger welling from deep within me, ‘Ready?’I asked, as I bounded into our bedroom I laid my hands upon her shoulders and I began caressing her neck as I repeated the question. ‘Ready?’»
Foregrounding meansAsyndeton in the line 10 creates an effect of two separated spouses.A metaphor

Слайд 6Grammaticality
Subject ellipsis in the last sentence "Was the rather

strangulated reply..." contributes to a conversational tone so as to

bridge the gap between the author and the readers.
Grammaticality Subject ellipsis in the last sentence

Слайд 7Message
It is evident that all the means in the poem

make it clear that the message the author strives to

convey is «Better never late».
MessageIt is evident that all the means in the poem make it clear that the message the

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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