Разделы презентаций

A United Family is the Best Treasure

Write down the words (ex 7, p.18) and study themMake 5 sentences using them

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A United Family is the Best Treasure


A United Family is the Best TreasureNO MAN IS AN ISLAND

Слайд 2

Write down the words (ex 7, p.18) and study them


5 sentences using them

Write down the words (ex 7, p.18) and study themMake 5 sentences using them

Слайд 3Find the Russian equivalent
No Man is an Island

Find the Russian equivalentNo Man is an Islandd1

Слайд 4Read the text
Ex.8, p.19
What is this text about?
Translate it

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Read the textEx.8, p.19What is this text about?Translate it into RussianStep 1Step 2Step 3

Слайд 5

Alex’s duties
Alex’s mother
Alex’s grandparents
Alex’s family
His greeting
Alex’s father
Alex’s brother

Put the Paragraphs

into the Right Order

Alex’s dutiesAlex’s motherAlex’s grandparentsAlex’s familyHis greetingAlex’s fatherAlex’s brotherPut the Paragraphs into the Right Order

Слайд 6ра
Describe his Family
Use the words:
I think …
To my mind …

suppose …
Работу высылаете мне на почту elenaelfimoav14@gmail.com

раDescribe his FamilyUse the words:I think …To my mind …I suppose …Работу высылаете мне на почту elenaelfimoav14@gmail.com

Слайд 7Do ex.9 at page 20

Do ex.9 at page 20

Слайд 8Answer the Questions
6. What are Alex’s duties
about the home?

How old is Alexei?
What is his future job?
4. What

is his mother and father?

3. How many are in
Alex’s family?

Is the family the most important
thing for every person?

2. What is the family?

Answer the Questions6. What are Alex’s duties about the home?5. How old is Alexei? What is his

Слайд 9Fill in the Table

Fill in the Table

Слайд 10Thank You !

Thank You !

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