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Activization of students' cognitive activity


Teachings, devoid of any interestand taken only by force of compulsionkills in the student hunt tomastering knowledge.To encourage a child to learn -much more worthy taskwhat to do with it.

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Слайд 1Activization of students' cognitive activity
Prepared by: Sate Anel

Activization of students' cognitive activityPrepared by: Sate Anel

Слайд 2Teachings, devoid of any interest
and taken only by force of

kills in the student hunt to
mastering knowledge.
To encourage a child

to learn -
much more worthy task
what to do with it.
K.D. Ushinsky
Teachings, devoid of any interestand taken only by force of compulsionkills in the student hunt tomastering knowledge.To

Слайд 3Questions of enhancing students' cognitive activity are among the most

pressing problems of modern pedagogical science and practice. The implementation

of the principle of activity in learning is of great importance, since learning and development are activity-related, and the result of learning, development and education of students depends on the quality of learning as an activity.
Questions of enhancing students' cognitive activity are among the most pressing problems of modern pedagogical science and

Слайд 4The key problem in solving the problem of improving the

efficiency and quality of the educational process is the intensification

of students' cognitive activity. Knowledge obtained in finished form, as a rule, cause difficulties for students in their application to the explanation of observed phenomena and the solution of specific problems. One of the significant shortcomings of students' knowledge remains formalism, which is manifested in the separation of learned theoretical knowledge from the ability to apply them in practice.
The key problem in solving the problem of improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process

Слайд 5In the conditions of humanization of education, the existing theory

and technology of mass education should be aimed at forming

a strong personality capable of living and working in a continuously changing world, capable of boldly developing its own strategy of behavior, making moral choices and taking responsibility for it. personality self-developing and self-fulfilling.
In the conditions of humanization of education, the existing theory and technology of mass education should be

Слайд 6Activization of students' cognitive activity
In the modern educational process, the

main thing is not just the mastery of the subject

knowledge, skills and abilities, the volume of which is constantly growing, but the very personality of the student as an active figure having the appropriate structure of the need-motivational sphere.
Activization of students' cognitive activityIn the modern educational process, the main thing is not just the mastery

Слайд 7It is the nature of the needs, motives, interests underlying

the activity that determines the direction and content of the

activity of each person. At the same time, involvement in cognitive activity, activity, initiative in it, self-satisfaction and their results ensure the experience of meaningfulness, significance of what is happening, are the basis for further self-improvement and self-realization of a person.
It is the nature of the needs, motives, interests underlying the activity that determines the direction and

Слайд 8Learning is an intense, complex activity that requires a great

effort of mind, will, imagination, memory. Reflecting all the essential

properties of the pedagogical process (bilateralism, focus on the all-round development of the individual, the unity of the substantive and procedural sides), training at the same time has specific qualitative differences.
Learning is an intense, complex activity that requires a great effort of mind, will, imagination, memory. Reflecting

Слайд 9Cognitive activity is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking

and practical activity. It is carried out at every life

step, in all types of activities and social relationships of students (productive and socially useful work, value-orientation, artistic and aesthetic activities, communication), as well as by performing various practical activities in the educational process (experimentation, designing , solving research problems, etc.).
Cognitive activity is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activity. It is carried out

Слайд 10The attitude of students to the learning process is usually

characterized by activity. Activity (learning, mastering, content) determines the degree

(intensity, strength) of the “contact” of the learner with the subject of his activity.
The attitude of students to the learning process is usually characterized by activity. Activity (learning, mastering, content)

Слайд 11One more important aspect of the motivation of students' learning

is directly linked with activity - this is independence, which

is associated with the definition of the object, the means of activity, and its implementation by the students themselves without the help of adults and teachers.
One more important aspect of the motivation of students' learning is directly linked with activity - this

Слайд 12Cognitive activity and independence are inseparable from each other: more

active learners are, as a rule, more independent; the student’s

own lack of activity makes him dependent on others and deprives independence.
Student activity management is traditionally called activation.
Cognitive activity and independence are inseparable from each other: more active learners are, as a rule, more

Слайд 13Activation can be defined as the constantly ongoing process of

encouraging students to energetic, purposeful learning, overcoming passive and stereotypical

activities, recession and mental stagnation. The main goal of activation is the formation of students' activity, improving the quality of the educational process.
Activation can be defined as the constantly ongoing process of encouraging students to energetic, purposeful learning, overcoming

Слайд 14In pedagogical practice, various ways of activating cognitive activity are

used, the main among them are a variety of forms,

methods, means of training, the choice of such combinations of them that in arising situations stimulate the activity and independence of students.
In pedagogical practice, various ways of activating cognitive activity are used, the main among them are a

Слайд 15The greatest activating effect in the classroom is given by

situations in which the students themselves must:
- to defend their

- take part in discussions and discussions;
- to put questions to his comrades and teachers;
- review the answers of comrades;
- Evaluate the answers and written work of friends;
- to engage in training the laggards;
- explain incomprehensible material to weaker students;
- independently choose a feasible task;
- to find several options for a possible solution of the cognitive task (problem);
- create situations of self-examination, analysis of personal cognitive and practical actions;
The greatest activating effect in the classroom is given by situations in which the students themselves must:-

Слайд 16When choosing one or another teaching method, one must first

of all strive for a productive result. At the same

time, the student is required not only to understand, remember and reproduce the knowledge gained, but also to be able to operate with them, apply them in practical activities, develop them, because the degree of learning productivity depends largely on the level of activity of the student’s learning and cognitive activity.
When choosing one or another teaching method, one must first of all strive for a productive result.

Слайд 17It is very important that the educational and cognitive activity

of students be creative, exploratory in nature and, if possible,

include elements of analysis and synthesis. The process of studying a phenomenon or a problem must be research-based in all its attributes.
It is very important that the educational and cognitive activity of students be creative, exploratory in nature

Слайд 18It is very important that the educational and cognitive activity

of students be creative, exploratory in nature and, if possible,

include elements of analysis and synthesis. The process of studying a phenomenon or a problem must be research-based in all its attributes. This is another important principle of activating educational and cognitive activity: the principle of studying the problems and phenomena under study.
It is very important that the educational and cognitive activity of students be creative, exploratory in nature

Слайд 19All this requires the use of such forms and teaching

methods that, if possible, would take into account the individual

characteristics of each student, i.e. implement the principle of individualization of the educational process.
All this requires the use of such forms and teaching methods that, if possible, would take into

Слайд 20No less important in the educational process is the mechanism

of self-control and self-regulation, i.e. implementation of the principle of

self-learning. This principle allows us to individualize the learning and cognitive activity of each student on the basis of their personal active desire to replenish and improve their own knowledge and skills, studying independently additional literature, receiving advice.
No less important in the educational process is the mechanism of self-control and self-regulation, i.e. implementation of

Слайд 21The activity of both independent and collective activity of students

is possible only if there are incentives. Therefore, among the

principles of activation, a special place is given to the motivation of educational and cognitive activity.
The activity of both independent and collective activity of students is possible only if there are incentives.

Слайд 22The main thing at the beginning of an activity should

not be forcedness, but the student's desire to solve a

problem, to know something, to prove, to challenge.
The main thing at the beginning of an activity should not be forcedness, but the student's desire

Слайд 23The principles of activating the educational and cognitive activity of

students, as well as the choice of teaching methods, should

be determined taking into account the features of the educational process. In addition to the principles and methods, there are also factors that encourage students to be active, they can also be called as motives or incentives of the teacher to enhance the activities of students.
The principles of activating the educational and cognitive activity of students, as well as the choice of

Слайд 24Among the main factors that motivate students to be active

- The creative nature of learning and cognitive activity in

itself is a powerful incentive to knowledge. The research character of educational and cognitive activity allows students to awaken a creative interest, and this in turn encourages them to actively search for new and independent knowledge.
- Competition is also one of the main motivators of student activity.
Among the main factors that motivate students to be active are:- The creative nature of learning and

Слайд 25Problem learning
In learning, learning problems play an active role, the

essence of which consists in overcoming practical and theoretical obstacles

in creating such situations in the process of learning activities that lead students to individual search and research activities.
Problem learningIn learning, learning problems play an active role, the essence of which consists in overcoming practical

Слайд 26Problem learning is carried out in three main forms:
1. Problematic

presentation. The teacher poses a problem and reveals ways to

solve it, shows students the course of scientific thinking, forcing them to follow the course of the movement of thought to truth, makes students like an accomplice in scientific research.
2. Partial search activity. The work of students is directed with the help of special questions that encourage independent reasoning, active search for answers to a separate part of the problem.
3. Research activities. Independent search for a student problem solution.
Problem learning is carried out in three main forms:1. Problematic presentation. The teacher poses a problem and

Слайд 27The master of industrial training is the organizer of game

situations, and here his organizational skills and ability to be

able to steer the game in the right direction should be manifested, giving it excitement, interest and helping students properly resolve the immediate situation. The game pace also depends on the master. He must be able to clearly and clearly state the conditions of the game, to organize a quick distribution of gaming equipment.
The master of industrial training is the organizer of game situations, and here his organizational skills and

Слайд 28There are also adaptive programs that select the level of

complexity of the new teaching material, change it as you

master it. Each subsequent step of the diagnostic takes into account the result of the previous one. Such programs can only be implemented using a computer.
There are also adaptive programs that select the level of complexity of the new teaching material, change

Слайд 29conclusion
At the present stage of development of education, the problem

of activating the cognitive activity of students is particularly important

due to the high rates of development and improvement of science and technology, the need of society for educated people, able to quickly navigate the environment, think independently and free from stereotypes.
The implementation of such tasks becomes possible only in conditions of active learning that stimulates the mental activity of students.
conclusionAt the present stage of development of education, the problem of activating the cognitive activity of students

Слайд 30Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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