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AID (aqute infectious diarrhea). Enteritis


The symptoms of damage GIT are characteristic for many infectious and noninfectious diseases :1) dyspepsia, 2) vomiting, 3) diarrhea, 4) abdominal pain of different localization,5) dehydration.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1AID (aqute infectious diarrhea).

AID (aqute infectious diarrhea). Enteritis.

Слайд 2The symptoms of damage GIT are characteristic for many infectious

and noninfectious diseases :
1) dyspepsia,
2) vomiting,
3) diarrhea,

abdominal pain of different localization,
5) dehydration.
The symptoms of damage GIT are characteristic for many infectious and noninfectious diseases :1) dyspepsia, 2) vomiting,

Слайд 3DYSPEPSIA (in accordance with the Roman criteria of II, 1999)

is the syndrome, determined as being of pain or discomfort

(heaviness, repletion, early satiation), localized in an epigastric area nearer to the midline.
DYSPEPSIA (in accordance with the Roman criteria of II, 1999) is the syndrome, determined as being of

Слайд 5A dyspepsia syndrome is characteristic for many infectious diseases of

attended with diarrhea :
salmonellosis, shigellosis,

esherihiosis, AID, caused by provisionally pathogenic bacteria,
gastroenteric form of yersiniosis,
rotaviral gastroenteritis of and other viral diarrhea,
initial period of botulism,
possible in the pre-icteric period of VH.
A dyspepsia syndrome is characteristic for many infectious diseases of attended with diarrhea : aqute BACTERIAL FOOD

Слайд 6The syndrome of dyspepsia is also looked after at different

organic damages and functional disorders of GIT :
aqute gastritis, ulcerous

malignant tumours,
aqute and chronic pancreatitis.
It is accepted to talk about the syndrome of organic dyspepsia if at the careful inspection of patient the indicated diseases are not educed.
The syndrome of dyspepsia is also looked after at different organic damages and functional disorders of GIT

Слайд 7STOMACH-ACHES − one of basic symptoms of aqute diarrheal infections,

where localization and character of them depend on primary localization

and prevalence of inflammatory process in bowels.
At aqute enteritis spastic pains in all stomach.
At the aqute colitis spastic pains are localized in iliac area.
At the distal colitis (proctosigmoiditis) pains are localized in the left iliac area, painful spasmed sigmoid bowel is palpated.
STOMACH-ACHES − one of basic symptoms of aqute diarrheal infections, where localization and character of them depend

Слайд 8At differential diagnostics of pain in stomach recognition of aqute

surgical and gynaecological pathology has main value :
aqute appendicitis,

bowel obstruction,
thrombosis of mesenteric vessels,
perforation ,
ectopic pregnancy,
ovarian cysts,
ovarian apoplexy.
At differential diagnostics of pain in stomach recognition of aqute surgical and gynaecological pathology has main value

Слайд 9Pains in an epigastric area, like at aqute BACTERIAL FOOD

POISONING, are possible at:
heart attack (more often − in area

of back wall of the left ventricle),
pneumonias (especially low lobe).
At aqute diarrheal infections pains are spastic without clear local tenderness and symptoms of irritation of peritoneum.
Pains in an epigastric area, like at aqute BACTERIAL FOOD POISONING, are possible at:heart attack (more often

Слайд 10VOMITING(at aqute diarrheal infections is often).

scanty or abundant

(«vomiting by a full mouth»);
by the eaten food,

a bile,
with blood.
VOMITING(at aqute diarrheal infections is often). single, repeated,frequent;scanty or abundant («vomiting by a full mouth»); by the

Слайд 11Vomiting at aqute diarrheal infections appears as a result of:

changes of mucous membrane,
increases of permeability of membranes of

under the actions of endotoxin of causative agent (intoxication),
considerable excretion of liquid in the space of upper departments of GIT,
Vomiting at aqute diarrheal infections appears as a result of:inflammatory changes of mucous membrane, increases of permeability

Слайд 12Syndrome of intoxication has a large role in the origin

of vomiting:
in the initial period of the infections not related

to the group of aqute diarrhea (erysipelas, meningococcal infection, malaria and other),
at acute surgical and gynaecological diseases,
toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy,
decompensations of diabetes mellitus,
abstinent syndrome for the patients with alcoholism and drug addiction,
poisoning by salts of heavy metals, mushrooms, organophosphorous compounds and surrogates of alcohol.
Syndrome of intoxication has a large role in the origin of vomiting:in the initial period of the

Слайд 13The account of preceding nausea and direct facilitation after vomiting

allows to distinguish its gastric or cerebral genesis at:

cerebral edema,

subarachnoid hemorrhage,
The account of preceding nausea and direct facilitation after vomiting allows to distinguish its gastric or cerebral

Слайд 14DIARRHEA is observed at most patients by aqute diarrheal infections

(diarrhoea is first cause for to call the doctor).
Four types

of diarrhea are known, conditioned by different pathogenetic mechanisms:
hyper- and hypokinetic.
sometimes it’s combination.
DIARRHEA is observed at most patients by aqute diarrheal infections (diarrhoea is first cause for to call

Слайд 15Secretory diarrhea − strengthening of secretion of natrium and water

in the space of bowel and/or decline of absorptive ability

of bowel.
The osmolality of the excrement masses is below than osmolality of plasma of blood; feces are watery, abundant.
Hyperexsudate diarrhea − mucifying and transuding of plasma of blood and serum proteins in the space of bowel (at inflammatory processes in bowels).
The osmolality of the excrement masses is higher than osmolality of plasma of blood; feces liquid, with the admixture of mucus, blood and pus.
Secretory diarrhea − strengthening of secretion of natrium and water in the space of bowel and/or decline

Слайд 16Hyperosmolar diarrhea − disorder of absorption in the thin bowel

of one or a few nutritives and/or disorder of exchange

processes (malabsorption, enzymopathy, abuse by salt purgatives).
The osmolality of the excrement masses is higher than osmolality of plasma of blood; feces abundant, liquid, with the admixture of undigested food.
Hyper- and hypokinetic diarrhea − disorder of transit of intestinal content, conditioned by an increase or lowering of movement of bowel (often at the irritative bowel syndrome, neuroses abuse purgative and antacids).
The osmolality of the excrement masses corresponds to the osmolality of plasma of blood. Feces is liquid or pappy, unabundant.
Hyperosmolar diarrhea − disorder of absorption in the thin bowel of one or a few nutritives and/or

Слайд 17DEHYDRATION(dehydration) − is a major syndrome developing because of damage

GIT and conditioned by a loss by the organism of

liquid and salts at vomiting and diarrheaе.
Dehydration of different degree appears at most aqute infectious diarrheaе.
For adults often isotonic type of dehydration.
Transsudation of poor an albumen isotonic liquid that is not reabsorbed in a colon.
Hemoconcentration grows with the loss of water and also electrolytes.
It often results by metabolic acidosis.
At predominance of vomiting a metabolic alkalosis is possible.
DEHYDRATION(dehydration) − is a major syndrome developing because of damage GIT and conditioned by a loss by

Слайд 21Diarrhea (diarrhoea) - frequent defecation at that feces have liquid

consistency can be conditioned by many reasons of both infectious

and noninfectious character.
adenoviral infection;
Diarrhea (diarrhoea) - frequent defecation at that feces have liquid consistency can be conditioned by many reasons

Слайд 2210) food poisoning by bacterial toxins;
11) rotaviral diarrhea;
12) salmonellosiss;
13) anthrax;
14) staphylococcal enteritis;
15) typhoid fever;
16) cholera;
17) schistosomiasiss intestinal and

18) enteroviral infection;
19) esherihiosis;
20) HIV-infection;
21) Other infectious diseases (with expressed intoxication syndrome).

10)	food poisoning by bacterial toxins;11)	rotaviral diarrhea;12)	salmonellosiss;13)	anthrax;14)	staphylococcal enteritis;15)	typhoid fever;16)	cholera;17)	schistosomiasiss intestinal and Japanese;18)	enteroviral infection;19)	esherihiosis;20)	HIV-infection;21)	Other infectious diseases (with expressed intoxication

Слайд 23Noninfectious:
poisoning by mushrooms;
poisoning by salts of heavy metals;
poisoning by

poisonous fishes and sheellfishes;
alimentary gastroenterocolitis;
allergic enterocolitis;
other noninfectious illnesses.

Noninfectious:poisoning by mushrooms;poisoning by salts of heavy metals; poisoning by poisonous fishes and sheellfishes;alimentary gastroenterocolitis;allergic enterocolitis;other noninfectious

Слайд 24The brought list is not complete and conditional. It does

not have diseases when diagnostics bases on not clinical symptomatology

but on data of bacteriologic examination (klebsiellosis, clostridiosis and other).
It is possible easily to distinguish the group of illnesses with the signs of gastroenteritis, when most important symptoms are nausea, vomiting, pains in an epigastric area, tenderness at palpation of upper part of stomach and diarrhea.
At different nosology forms or gastritis, or enteritis (without vomiting), or colitis signs can prevail.
On the different stages of aqute infection can have different character of damage GIT.
The brought list is not complete and conditional. It does not have diseases when diagnostics bases on

Слайд 25Infection diarrhea can be also divided into three groups:


inflammation (mainly enteritises),
inflammatory (mainly gastroenterocolitis),
invasive (causative agent penetrates

mucous membrane, colitis).
Infection diarrhea can be also divided into three groups: without inflammation (mainly enteritises), inflammatory (mainly gastroenterocolitis), invasive

1 group of infectious gastroenteritises

of − durates with a fever and expressed symptoms of

general intoxication (exactly these signs allow to differentiate them from noninfectious illnesses).
2 group of infectious (more precisely tox-infectious) gastroenteritises durates without the expressed fever − botulism, poisoning by a staphylococcus enterotoxin, cholera, exotoxin is also has basic role in pathogenesis.
INFECTIOUS DISEASES With SYMPTOMS of GASTROENTERITIS 1 group of infectious gastroenteritises of − durates with a fever and

Слайд 29Gastroenteritises with a fever.
 Shigellosis, salmonellosis (gastroenteric form), esherihiosis:
A shigellosis is

more often conditioned by shigella Sonnei and Flexneri (other types

of shigella is possible).
Common property of these illnesses is combination of fever (sometimes to 39 C and higher), symptoms of general intoxication and signs of damage GIT as vomiting and diarrhea.
There is more expressed and protracted (to 3-5 days) fever is at the salmonellosis.
At esherihiosis more often subfebrile fever during short time.
For a shigellosis development of the expressed dehydration is not characteristic.
Hepatolienal syndrome is not marked at a shigellosis unlike at salmonellosis.
Gastroenteritises with a fever. Shigellosis, salmonellosis (gastroenteric form), esherihiosis:A shigellosis is more often conditioned by shigella Sonnei and

Слайд 307) TIS is possible both at shigellosis and at salmonellosis (more

8) Involving of colon is characteristic for a shigellosis, rather than

just stomach and thin bowel, as at patients with gastroenteric form of salmonellosis. Where are spasm and tenderness of colon especially descending and sigmoid, admixture of mucus and blood in feces at shigellosis.
9) The diagnosis of shigellosis and salmonellosis can be put on the basis of clinical and epidemiological data.
10) Shigellosis is confirmed bacteriologically in 50-70% cases, serological reactions are less informative.
11) At palpation of stomach tenderness is localized at salmonellosis mainly in an epigastric area, in less degree in umbilical area, rumbling is marked in area of cecum. The symptoms of colitis are not present.

7)	TIS is possible both at shigellosis and at salmonellosis (more often).8)	Involving of colon is characteristic for a

Слайд 31Cryptosporidiosis is a protozoan disease with enteritis and enterocolitis more

often observed for children and at persons with an immunodeficit

(HIV-infected of and other) :
Enterocytes are struck, total damage of microvilluses of thin bowel presents at severe forms.
Lactose insufficiency, bacterial fermentation of sugars in to fat acids assist appearance of abundant watery stool with a disgusting smell.
A disease begins aqutely, profuse diarrhoea with paroxysmal stomach-aches, fever, nausea and vomiting appear.
At patients with AIDS disease durates severely, the temperature of body reaches to 39 °C and higher.
At patients with AIDS frequent vomiting and abundant stool leads to loss of liquid up to 10-15 l/day. A disease becomes chronic and lasts 4 months and more.
At patients with AIDS cryptosporidiosis combines with other AIDS-associated illnesses (pneumocysts, Kaposhi sarcoma, candidiasis and other).
Cryptosporidiosis is a protozoan disease with enteritis and enterocolitis more often observed for children and at persons

Слайд 32Isosporiasis (coccidiosis) − a protozoan anthroponosis - is observed mainly

at persons with an immunodeficit (HIV-infected of and other) :

of general intoxication (temperature 39 °C, headache, myalgia) and damage of organs of digestion (nausea, vomiting, liquid stool sometimes with the admixture of mucus) are typical.
The manifestation of illness present 1-2 weeks., and for patients with AIDS disease durates severely over the month.
A diagnosis is confirmed by a discovery oocytes in a stool or duodenal content.
Isosporiasis (coccidiosis) − a protozoan anthroponosis - is observed mainly at persons with an immunodeficit (HIV-infected of

Слайд 33Esherihiosis:
More often durates like shigellosis with predominance of colitic syndrome.

At some patients aqute gastroenteritis with the mildly expressed symptoms

of general intoxication and subfebrile temperature of body develops.
Vomiting in the first day of illness, 1 -2 times, pains in epigastrium are expressed poorly.
Stool up to 10 times per days with the admixture of mucus, on occasion and blood.
At the rectoscopy change of mucous membrane of bowel expressed mildly, like at mild form of shigellosis.
A diagnosis can be confirmed by finding of Esherihia from the vomitive masses and feces.
Serologicaly growth of title of antibodies in 4 times and more can be found.
The similar picture of illness is marked at gastroenteritises, caused Proteus, Enterococcus, B. сеracis, diagnostics is possible only bacteriologically.
Esherihiosis:More often durates like shigellosis with predominance of colitic syndrome. At some patients aqute gastroenteritis with the

Слайд 34Diseases without the expressed temperature reaction and conditioned mainly by

bacterial toxins or disorder of absorption form the second group

of illnesses with vomiting and diarrhea,.
Rotaviral disease (rotaviral gastroenteritis) :
Disease begins aqutely, at severe forms has fever (38-39 °С), mild forms diurates without a fever.
Pains in an epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, abundant liquid watery stool without the admixture of mucus and blood with a strong unpleasant smell are typical.
Moderate dehydration (I and II degree) develops. At 5% patients severe dehydration develops with the decompensated metabolic acidosis (possible ARF).
Disease is confirmed serologicaly.
Diseases without the expressed temperature reaction and conditioned mainly by bacterial toxins or disorder of absorption form

Слайд 35Viral diarrhea is acute diseases conditioned by the group of

the shallow round viruses (group Norfolk, Caliciviruses and other) :


has infective episodic morbidity.
Moderate intoxication. The temperature of body is subfebrile or normal.
More often diurates as gastroenteritis, stool is liquid watery, presence of exanthema is possible.
Dehydration develops very rarely.
Viral diarrhea is acute diseases conditioned by the group of the shallow round viruses (group Norfolk, Caliciviruses

Слайд 36Cholera:
Fever and stomach-aches are absent.
The order of appearance

of vomiting and diarrhea is important.
At all bacterial gastroenteritis

and toxic gastritis vomiting appears in the start, and then, after a few hours − diarrhea.
At a cholera, vice versa, diarrhea appears in the start, and then vomiting (without other signs of gastritis) develops.
Diagnosis can be set on clinical and epidemiological data.
However the first cases and sporadic diseases must be necessarily confirmed laboratory.
Expressed haemoconcentration and demineralization can be marked.
Diagnosis can be confirmed bacteriologicaly, serologicaly.
Cholera: Fever and stomach-aches are absent. The order of appearance of vomiting and diarrhea is important. At

Слайд 37Botulism:
In some cases it begins with appearance of vomiting and

diarrhea before development of characteristic damages of the nervous system.

is not a fever or subfebrile.
Not gastroenteritis, but gastroenteric syndrome presents (action of toxin).
Diarrhea and vomiting not protracted (no more than 1 day).
Appearance of signs of paralytic syndrome allows to put diagnosis clinically.
First manifestation of neurological syndrome − visual disorder and dryness in mouth.
Dryness appears early at all sick (falls short of the degree of dehydration).
Botulism:In some cases it begins with appearance of vomiting and diarrhea before development of characteristic damages of

Слайд 388) Visual disorders caused by damage of 3d, 4th and 6th

pairs of cranial nerves.
9) Mydriasis, limitation of motion of eyeballs

in all parties, bilateral ptosis, diplopia, cycloplegia, anisocoria are more typical.
10) Paresis of facial muscles leads to amimia, masklike [Parkinson's] face, impossibility bare one's teeth, frown eyebrows.
11) In future disorder of act of swallowing (feeling of «lump is in the throat»), difficulty of swallowing of dry food and then and liquids appear. As a result of paresis of muscles of farynx and larynx food gets in a trachea (choking, cough, aphonia). Development of illness in future can result in paresises and paralyses of skeletal muscles of trunk and extremities.
12) Laboratory confirmation of botulism (finding out toxin) is retrospective.
8)	Visual disorders caused by damage of 3d, 4th and 6th pairs of cranial nerves. 9)	Mydriasis, limitation of

Слайд 39Poisoning by a staphylococcus enterotoxin:
Meets often.
Occupies as though intermediate

position between infectious diseases and poisoning of noninfectious nature.

begins very quickly after eating, containing a staphylococcus enterotoxin.
Latent period is from 30 mines to 3-5 hours, rarely − 24 hours.
Poisoning possible after use of pastry wares (creams, pastries, cakes, etc.), meat dishes and fish kept in an open kind. Poisoning by staphylococcus enterotoxin can develop at the use of the warmed up foods, because a toxin is not destroyed by temperature.
Intensive pains in epigastric area (more intensive, than at gastroenteritises of other nature), vomiting are typical.
The temperature of body remains normal or subfebrile.
Poisoning by a staphylococcus enterotoxin:Meets often. Occupies as though intermediate position between infectious diseases and poisoning of

Слайд 408) Diarrhea is expressed poorly and short-time (can be absent).
9) Dehydration

develops rarely.
10) Expressed asthenia of patient, hypotension, pallor of skin,

TIS is possible.
11) A tenderness presents at epigastric area, rarer in an umbilical area. Symptoms of colitis are absent.
12) The short-timeness and rapid reverse dynamics of disease are characteristic.
13) Laboratory confirmation of diagnosis can be detection of toxigenic staphylococcus (from food, vomitive masses) or discovery in the same materials of staphylococcus enterotoxin.
14) If foods were warmed up, then to detect staphylococcus is not succeeded, while an enterotoxin is saved in it.
8)	Diarrhea is expressed poorly and short-time (can be absent). 9)	Dehydration develops rarely. 10)	Expressed asthenia of patient, hypotension,

Слайд 41The food poisoning caused by toxin of Clostridia is possible

after the use of the foods contaminated by anaerobes and

containing it’s toxins:
It is characterized by a severe duration and high lethality.
It is conditioned more often by meat foods of home-made. Latent period is 6-24 hours.
It starts with stomach-aches, mainly in an umbilical area.
A general weakness grows quickly, a stool becomes frequent (to 20 times and more), abundant, watery, sometimes like rice-water.
Expressed dehydration (cramps and other) develops.
At poisoning caused by Clostridia types of Е and Р necrotizing enteritis (intensive pains in stomach, liquid stool with the admixture of blood) can develop. ARF and TIS can develop besides dehydration and hypovolemic shock.
A diagnosis is laboratory confirmed by detection of causative agent (from foods, vomitive masses, blood, feces).
The food poisoning caused by toxin of Clostridia is possible after the use of the foods contaminated

Слайд 42The syndrome of gastroenteritis can be observed not only at

infectious diseases but also at noninfectious ones.

is poisoning by microbes and toxins of microbal origin.
The food poisoning is poisoning by poisons of chemical and biological origin (mushrooms, pesticides, salts of heavy metals and other).
The syndrome of gastroenteritis can be observed not only at infectious diseases but also at noninfectious ones.

Слайд 43Poisoning by toadstools:
A latent period is 6-10 h.

start of disease.
In the start of disease feeling of

pressure in an epigastric area.
Then pain appears.
At the same time nausea and vomiting start and durate 2-3 days.
Diarrhea is expressed poorly or absent.
Weakness and brokenness grow. Hyperemia of face sometimes with a cyanosis is possible.
On a 2th day in severe cases jaundice appears.
Disorder of consciousness, delirium, cramps can appear.
Subfebrile temperature appears sometimes.
Fatal outcome (more often on the 3-4th day of illness) or protracted astenia (few weeks) in possible at severe cases.
For diagnostics a fact of the use of mushrooms is important.
Poisoning by toadstools: A latent period is 6-10 h. subacute start of disease. In the start of

Слайд 44Poisoning by death cup amanita:
Durates most severely with high lethality

(over 50%).
Latent period is from 7 to 40 h

(more often 12 h).
More often it is registered in August.
Illness begins suddenly, more often at night.
Sharp pain in a stomach (colics), indomitable vomiting, very frequent liquid watery stool (admixture of mucus, rarer blood).
Dehydration develops quickly.
There is a short-time remission on the 1-2 days, stomach-aches and vomiting finish. However a fatal outcome is possible in 2-4 days.
Consciousness is clear to the agonic period.
Diagnostics bases on seasonality, fact of the use of mushrooms (mostly a death-cup is confused with champignons).
Poisoning by death cup amanita:Durates most severely with high lethality (over 50%). Latent period is from 7

Слайд 45Poisoning by fly-agarics:
Due to presence in the mushrooms of muscarine

and mushroom atropine.
A clinical symptomatology changes from correlation of

these poisons.
Poisoning more often begins with the abundant sweating, salivation and lacrimation.
Then pains in an epigastric area, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea start.
Gastroenteric syndrome combines with the signs of damage of CNS (dizziness, excitation, drunkenness, hallucinations, disorders of co-ordination of motions, midriasis).
Where are coma and death from the paralysis of breathing in severe cases.
Lethality is relatively small.
Recovery in 1-2 days.
Diagnostics bases on fact of the use of fly-agaric; disease meets very rarely, because these mushrooms are well known.
Poisoning by fly-agarics:Due to presence in the mushrooms of muscarine and mushroom atropine. A clinical symptomatology changes

Слайд 46The poisoning by nonspecific mushrooms is caused false honey agaric,

some laticifers, especially at wrong culinary treatment.
Diseases begin through

1-2 h after the use of mushrooms and characterized by pains in an epigastric area, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Prognosis is favourable, recovery comes quickly.
Poisoning by pesticides, salts of heavy metals, medications :
Signs of infectious disease (ferver, signs of general intoxication) are absent.
Connection of illness with the reception of some preparations or with the work related to pesticides.
The poisoning by nonspecific mushrooms is caused false honey agaric, some laticifers, especially at wrong culinary treatment.

Слайд 48The End!

The End!

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