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All about me Prepared by : Dauletbekov Daulet BB 18-06 Checked by : Myrzahmet

My soname is Dauletbekov Daulet. I am 19 years old. My birthplace is the village of Naualy, Urdzhar districy, East Kazakhstan region. There are four people in my family, they are

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1All about me
Prepared by: Dauletbekov Daulet
BB 18-06
Checked by: Myrzahmet M.J.

All about mePrepared by: Dauletbekov DauletBB 18-06Checked by: Myrzahmet M.J.

Слайд 2My soname is Dauletbekov Daulet. I am 19 years old.

My birthplace is the village of Naualy, Urdzhar districy, East

Kazakhstan region. There are four people in my family, they are my dad, my mom, and my sister.

About me

My soname is Dauletbekov Daulet. I am 19 years old. My birthplace is the village of Naualy,

Слайд 3My village is a very precious settlement, located on the

node of nine routes. Everyone’s home is hot.

My village is a very precious settlement, located on the node of nine routes. Everyone’s home is

Слайд 4I lead an active liferstyle. I try to keep up

with everything. When I was school, I attended all the

activities. And thanks to that, I won many awards. My teachers were proud of me.
I lead an active liferstyle. I try to keep up with everything. When I was school, I

Слайд 5. From the first class I collect a portfolio. From

various school and extracurricular activities I have collected a lot

of letters and diplomas. But my best achievements are still ahead
. From the first class I collect a portfolio. From various school and extracurricular activities I have

Слайд 6In 2018, I graduated from the Toleubekov school. I passed

the National Uniform Testing excellent received 126 points. I am

a student of Al Farabi Kazakh National University
In 2018, I graduated from the Toleubekov school. I passed the National Uniform Testing excellent received 126

Слайд 7I’ve been a lot of trained National Testing. All teachers

in school prepare us for the test. I was onse

again trained at Ustudy Education Center. Ustudy helped me a lot. Special thanks to my teachers at school and Ustudy for teaching
I’ve been a lot of trained National Testing. All teachers in school prepare us for the test.

Слайд 8From my childhood I dreamed of a higher education institution

of KazNU. I am very glad to be at the

KazNU University. My chosen specialty is scientific biology. I like this profession.
From my childhood I dreamed of a higher education institution of KazNU. I am very glad to

Слайд 9My main goal now is to make a good university,

to graduate from a good job. Good job is to

justify my parents’ expectations, to be honest with my country of birth.
My main goal now is to make a good university, to graduate from a good job. Good

Слайд 10My favorite subjects Biolagy, Informatics, Physical Education. Especially it is

English. English is my favorite language. Because the person who

lnows English is well educated. I’d like to speak English fluentle. I want to meet and talk to them when I see English in many comoetitions in Almaty. I recently saw speak to English people in Almaty, but of course through the translator
My favorite subjects Biolagy, Informatics, Physical Education. Especially it is English. English is my favorite language. Because

Слайд 11Music is the main part of my life. I do

not forget the music. I still love to play the

guitar. Music always calms me down. When I’m tired, when I do not have a mood, I always wear my guitar and forget all my tireedness.
Music is the main part of my life. I do not forget the music. I still love

Слайд 12One of my favorite instruments is the piano. I can

not play the piano anymore. But I also want so

study in the future.
I can play on this instrument, but still want to learn to play as a professional misician.
One of my favorite instruments is the piano. I can not play the piano anymore. But I

Слайд 13I sometimes want to be a singer. Because, I sing

in my free time, and I write songs myself in

my own recording studio. Sometimes, my singing friends come to my studio and ask me to write a song
I sometimes want to be a singer. Because, I sing in my free time, and I write

Слайд 14I currently have many songs from my studio. And I

also have songs dedicated to my school and my birthplace.

I also recorded a audio clips for these two songs. You can watch these videos on the You Tube network and on other sites.
I currently have many songs from my studio. And I also have songs dedicated to my school

Слайд 15One more big interest in football. Football os life. I

play football since childhood. I participated in many competitions and

took prize-winning places.
One more big interest in football. Football os life. I play football since childhood. I participated in

Слайд 16My dreams
And my goal
To be a good profession
Justify my parents’expectations

study of the subject
To be the best football player
To open

my own recording studio

Write hight quality songs

Honestly serving my country

My dreamsAnd my goalTo be a good professionJustify my parents’expectationsGood study of the subjectTo be the best

Слайд 17Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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