Разделы презентаций

America (The USA) Lesson 4 6

peace + ful= peaceful wonder + ful= wonderfuluse + ful= useful beauty + ful =beautifulcolour + ful = colourfulsound -to sound play

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1America (The USA)
Lesson 46

America  (The USA)Lesson 46

Слайд 2peace + ful= peaceful
wonder + ful= wonderful

+ ful= useful

+ ful =beautiful
colour + ful = colourful

sound -to sound play -to play
sail - to sail part -to part
fish - to fish ship -to ship
land -to land face - to face
stage -to stage group -to group

peace + ful= peaceful   wonder + ful= wonderfuluse + ful= useful

Слайд 3She heard a quiet sound in the street.
Her voice sounded

Let’s make dinner.
I don’t know the make of the car.

ship was on the sea for 5 days.
The American colonists shipped some tobacco to Britain.
The scenery on the stage was beautiful.
Let’s stage this play.
The boys went to the river to fish.
I don’t like fish for dinner.
The play was wonderful.
They play football after school.

She heard a quiet sound in the street.Her voice sounded quick.Let’s make dinner.I don’t know the make

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