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The flag of Australia is adefaced Blue Ensign:a bluefield with the Union Jack in the canton (upper hoistquarter), and a large whiteseven-pointed star knownas the Commonwealth Starin the lower hoist quarter. The fly contains a representation of the Southern Cross constellation, made up of

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Australia


Слайд 2The flag of Australia is a
defaced Blue Ensign:a blue
field with the Union Jack 
in the canton (upper hoist

and a large white
seven-pointed star known
as the Commonwealth Star
in the lower

hoist quarter. The fly contains a representation of the Southern Cross constellation, made up of five white stars – one small five-pointed star and four, larger, seven-pointed stars.

Flag of Australia

The flag of Australia is adefaced Blue Ensign:a bluefield with the Union Jack in the canton (upper hoistquarter), and a large whiteseven-pointed star knownas the Commonwealth

Слайд 3Coat of arms of Australia
The Coat of Arms of Australia
is the

official symbol of Australia

Coat of arms of AustraliaThe Coat of Arms of Australiais the official symbol of Australia

Слайд 4The capital of Australia, Canberra
The capital of Australia is Canberra , which is

in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
Canberra became the capital of

Australia in 1927 and is located in the the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

The capital of Australia, CanberraThe capital of Australia is Canberra , which is in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).Canberra became

Слайд 5Climate
Canberra has a relatively dry continental climate with warm to hot summers

and cool to cold winters

ClimateCanberra has a relatively dry continental climate with warm to hot summers and cool to cold winters

Слайд 6 The culture of Australia is essentially a Western culture influenced

by the unique geography of the Australian continent and by

the diverse input of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and various waves of multi-ethnic migration which followed the British colonization of Australia.

The culture of Australia

The culture of Australia 					is essentially a Western 					culture influenced by the 					unique geography of the 					Australian

Слайд 7The Animals of Australia 
There are many animals in Australia that

you cannot see anywhere else

The Animals of Australia There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else

Слайд 8The Animals of Australia
There are many animals in Australia that

you cannot see anywhere else

The Animals of AustraliaThere are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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