Разделы презентаций

be c l e v e r

English dictionariesThe Pocket Oxford DictionaryThe Nuttall’s Dictionary

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1be clever
How not to

be cleverHow not to

Слайд 2English dictionaries
The Pocket Oxford Dictionary
The Nuttall’s Dictionary

English dictionariesThe Pocket Oxford DictionaryThe Nuttall’s Dictionary

Слайд 3Shrewd (Хитрый, жестокий)

(Коварный, лукавый)
Furtive (Вороватый, хитрый)
Surreptitious (Тайный, скрытный)
Treacherous (Предательский, ненадежный)
Sneaking (Трусливый, подлый)
Crafty (Хитрый, коварный)

Modern meanings of word “clever”

Shrewd        (Хитрый, жестокий)Sly

Слайд 4England is a democratic country

England is a democratic country

Слайд 5“Continental gentleman”: “This view rather reminds me of Utrecht, where

the peace treaty concluding the War of Spanish Succession was

signed on the 11th April, 1713. The river there, however, recalls the Guadalquivir, which rises in the Suerra de Cazoria and flows south-west to the Atlantic ocean…”
Englishman: "It's pretty, isn’t it?”

Comparing statements of “Continental gentleman” and Englishman

“Continental gentleman”: “This view rather reminds me of Utrecht, where the peace treaty concluding the War of

Слайд 6Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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