Разделы презентаций

Becoming aware of your unique communication style Danila Mitrofanov

Do you know that you have a unique communication style?Speaking native language = ad-lib (spontaneously, without preparation)  speech feels effortless and relaxed;Communication style  gradual, constant evolution, unique

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Becoming aware of your
unique communication style

Becoming aware of your unique communication style

Слайд 2Do you know that you have a unique communication style?

native language = ad-lib (spontaneously, without preparation)  speech feels

effortless and relaxed;
Communication style  gradual, constant evolution, unique

Do you know that you have a unique communication style?Speaking native language = ad-lib (spontaneously, without preparation)

Слайд 3
English as a second language – the more ad-libbing

the more ineffective – how to improve?
Alternative approach – CLEAR

method – minimize the difficulties  foundation for ICC style;
Everybody will benefit from it  exchanging opinions is easier

English as a second language – the more ad-libbing the more ineffective – how to improve?Alternative

Слайд 4Where did you learn to communicate?
Innate influence (some tendencies, such

as introversion or extroversion, may be inherited at birth)

Where did you learn to communicate?Innate influence (some tendencies, such as introversion or extroversion, may be inherited

Слайд 5Where did you learn to communicate?
Family influence:
parents try to

change children’s undesirable communication tendencies;
parents reinforce those tendencies that they

do like;
you were copying your parents’ patterns of speaking and listening

Where did you learn to communicate?Family influence: parents try to change children’s undesirable communication tendencies;parents reinforce those

Слайд 6Where did you learn to communicate?
Cultural influence:
standards within every

culture about what are (in)appropriate ways of speaking/listening;
body language

Where did you learn to communicate?Cultural influence: standards within every culture about what are (in)appropriate ways of

Слайд 7Where did you learn to communicate interculturally?
We have not yet

learned this…
Unique communication

Where did you learn to communicate interculturally?We have not yet learned this…Unique communication styles

Слайд 8 Intercultural communication style

Intercultural communication style

Слайд 9 Intercultural communication style
Mostenets Ekaterina

Intercultural communication style Mostenets Ekaterina

Слайд 10 Intercultural communication style
Mostenets Ekaterina

your multicultural ESL* listeners

 "English as a Second Language" 
culture and professional background
Try to develop

your IC style

Intercultural communication style Mostenets EkaterinaKEEP IN MINDyour multicultural ESL* listeners *  

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