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Business letter

Types of business letters

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Слайд 1Business letter

Business letter

Слайд 2Types of business letters

Types of business letters

Слайд 3Business letters are written on the form of the firm

and consist of 9 elements:
The internal address (name and address

of the person to whom the letter is directed)
Polite greeting
Subject of the letter (optional)
Text of the letter
Polite “good-bye”
Business letters are written on the form of the firm and consist of 9 elements:DateThe internal address

Слайд 4The structure of a business letter
Opening: Include your mailing address, the

full date (for example, July 30, 2017), and the recipient’s

name, company, and address. Skip one line between your address, the date, and your recipient’s information. Don’t add your address if you’re using letterhead that already contains it.
Salutation: Address the recipient using “Dear,” along with their title and last name, such as “Dear Mr. Collins” or “Dear Director Kinkade.” If you don’t know the recipient’s gender, use their full name, such as “Dear Taylor Dean.” Finally, be sure to add a colon to the end of the salutation.
Body: In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and the main point of your letter. Following paragraphs should go into the details of your main point, while your final paragraph should restate the letter’s purpose and provide a call to action, if necessary.
Closing: Recommended formal closings include “Sincerely” or “Yours truly.” For a more personal closing, consider using “Cordially” or “Best regards.” Regardless of what you choose, add a comma to the end of it.
Signature: Skip four lines after the closing and type your name. Skip another line and type your job title and company name. If you’re submitting a hard copy, sign your name in the empty space using blue or black ink.
Enclosures: If you’re including documents with this letter, list them here.

The structure of a business letterOpening: Include your mailing address, the full date (for example, July 30, 2017),

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