Разделы презентаций


Where’s the supermarket?

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Слайд 2Where’s the supermarket?

Where’s the supermarket?

Слайд 3It’s around the corner

It’s around the corner

Слайд 4Where’s the library?

Where’s the library?

Слайд 5It’s across the street

It’s across the street

Слайд 6Where’s the hospital

Where’s the hospital

Слайд 7It’s down the street

It’s down the street

Слайд 8Where’s the bank

Where’s the bank€

Слайд 9It’s next to the hospital

It’s next to the hospital€

Слайд 10Where’s the church

Where’s the church

Слайд 11It’s on the left

It’s on the left

Слайд 12Where’s the restaurant

Where’s the restaurant

Слайд 13It’s on the right

It’s on the right

Слайд 14How do I get to the museum?

How do I get to the museum?

Слайд 15Go straight on

Go straight on

Слайд 16Turn left

Turn left

Слайд 17Turn right

Turn right

Слайд 18It’s across from the school

It’s across from the school

Слайд 19How do I get to the police station?

How do I get to the police station?

Слайд 201. Go two blocks
2. Turn on the right
3. Go one

4. It’s on the left

1. Go two blocks2. Turn on the right3. Go one block4. It’s on the left

Слайд 21Park Avenue
Oak Street
How do I get to the hospital?

Park AvenueOak StreetHow do I get to the hospital?

Слайд 221. Go to the corner
Park Avenue
Oak Street
2. Turn right
3. Go

straight on
4. It’s at the corner of Park Ave. and

Oak St.
1. Go to the cornerPark AvenueOak Street2. Turn right3. Go straight on4. It’s at the corner of

Слайд 23Park Avenue
Oak Street
How do I get to the stadium?

Park AvenueOak StreetHow do I get to the stadium?

Слайд 241. Go to the corner
Park Avenue
Oak Street
2. Turn right
3. Go

two blocks
4. It’s on the right opposite the gas station

1. Go to the cornerPark AvenueOak Street2. Turn right3. Go two blocks4. It’s on the right opposite

Слайд 25Park Avenue
Oak Street
How do I get to the garage?

Park AvenueOak StreetHow do I get to the garage?

Слайд 261. Go two blocks
Park Avenue
Oak Street
2. Turn left
4. It’s on

the right across from the park

1. Go two blocksPark AvenueOak Street2. Turn left4. It’s on the right across from the park



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