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Canada is a country in north of USA. It is located in the most northen part of the continent. It has more than 27 milion inhabitenst. It's the world's second –

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Аникин Антон ТАРО-112

CANADAАникин Антон ТАРО-112

Слайд 2Canada is a country in north of USA. It is

located in the most northen part of the continent. It

has more than 27 milion inhabitenst. It's the world's second – largest country, after Rusia.

Канада-это страна на севере США. Он расположен в самой северной части континента. В нем проживает более 27 миллионов человек. Это вторая по величине страна в мире после России.

Canada is a country in north of USA. It is located in the most northen part of

The capital city of Canada is Ottawa and it has

more than 300 000 inhabitens
Столица Канады-Оттава, и в ней

проживает более 300 000 человек
OTTAWAThe capital city of Canada is Ottawa and it has more than 300 000 inhabitens Столица Канады-Оттава,

Like every country Canada has a flag. It's

red and white in the midlle is a maple leaf.

и у любой другой страны, у Канады есть свой флаг. Он красно-белый, в середине-кленовый лист.
CANADIAN FLAGLike every country Canada has a flag. It's red and white in the midlle is

In Canada a lot of people

speak Franch but 60% of people speak English. The currency

of Canada is Canadian dolar.
В Канаде многие говорят по-французски, но 60% людей говорят по-английски. Валюта Канады-канадский долар.

LANGUAGES IN CANADA AND CURRENCYIn Canada a lot of people speak Franch but 60% of people speak

the first people that came in to Canada are Indians

and Eskimos, Indians came from Asia, but Eskimos came from

North. And Canada became government at 1st of July 1867.
первые люди, которые пришли в Канаду, - это индейцы и эскимосы, индейцы пришли из Азии, но эскимосы пришли с севера. А Канада стала правительством 1 июля 1867 года.

HISTORYthe first people that came in to Canada are Indians and Eskimos, Indians came from Asia, but

they have a lot of interesting activities like : skiing,

baseball, tennis, a lot of people fish and hike. But

the most inportant sport in Canada is a hokey
у них есть много интересных занятий, таких как катание на лыжах, бейсбол, теннис, много людей ловят рыбу и ходят в походы. Но самый важный вид спорта в Канаде- это Хоккей
SPORTSthey have a lot of interesting activities like : skiing, baseball, tennis, a lot of people fish

in Canada animals aren't that diffirent then in Evrope. The

most known are Grizli bears, deers, pumas and the most

inportant for the intire country are beavers.
в Канаде животные не так уж различны, как в Европе. Самые известные из них-медведи гризли, олени, пумы, а самые важные для страны интира-бобры.
ANIMALSin Canada animals aren't that diffirent then in Evrope. The most known are Grizli bears, deers, pumas

- Canada has more than 38 national parks.

The oldest is called Banff.
- В Канаде насчитывается более 38

национальных парков. Самого старого зовут Банф.

INTERESTING FACTS - Canada has more than 38 national parks. The oldest is called Banff.- В Канаде

Слайд 10- it has more 1000 islands
- это более 1000


- it has more 1000 islands - это более 1000 островов

Niagra Falls are the most beautiful and most visit

falls in Canada. There located beetwen Canada and America. There

falling almost 55m deep. And there more than 12 tousand years old. And every year 15 milion people visit Niagra Falls
Водопад ниагра-самый красивый и самый посещаемый водопад в Канаде. Там расположены между Канадой и Америкой. Там глубина падения почти 55 метров. А там уже больше 12 тысяч лет. И каждый год 15 миллионов человек посещают водопад Ниагра

NIAGRA FALLSNiagra Falls are the most beautiful and most visit falls in Canada. There located beetwen Canada

Television Tower it’s 554m high, it was built

1976. Every year almost 2 milion people visit it. It's

located in Toronto.
Телевизионная башня высотой 554 метра была построена в 1976 году. Каждый год его посещают почти 2 миллиона человек. Он расположен в Торонто.

TELEVISION TOWER Television Tower it’s 554m high, it was built 1976. Every year almost 2 milion people

A lot of famous people were born in Canada.

But i chose JUSTIN BEIBER and CELINE DION. And now

im going to tell you something about them.
Многие известные люди родились в Канаде. Но я выбрал Джастина Бибера и Селин Дион. А теперь я расскажу вам кое-что о них.
INPORTANT PEOPLEA lot of famous people were born in Canada. But i chose JUSTIN BEIBER and CELINE

Justin Drew Bieber was born in Canada 1994.

His kariere started when he was 14 year old. He

is a singer, songwriter and actor. He also plays a lot of instruments. Some of them are qitar, piano and drumbs. And he has a lot of fans there called BELIBERS.
Джастин Дрю Бибер родился в Канаде в 1994 году. Его карьера началась, когда ему было 14 лет. Он-певец, автор песен и актер. Он также играет на многих инструментах. Некоторые из них-это китар, фортепиано и барабаны. И у него там много поклонников, которых называют БЕЛИБЕРАМИ.

JUSTIN DREW BIEBERJustin Drew Bieber was born in Canada 1994. His kariere started when he was 14

Celine Dion was born in Canada 1968. She is

singer and songwriter. She is most known from Titanic, when

she did soundtrack.
Селин Дион родилась в Канаде в 1968 году. Она певица и автор песен. Больше всего она известна с "Титаника", когда делала саундтрек.

CELINE DIONCeline Dion was born in Canada 1968. She is singer and songwriter. She is most known

Слайд 18THE END


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