Разделы презентаций

Carbon Footprint

That’s just a drop in the ocean

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3That’s just a drop in the ocean

That’s just a drop in the ocean

Слайд 5Gas emission Cars and factories/plants emit CO2 (carbon dioxide)

Gas emission Cars and factories/plants emit CO2 (carbon dioxide)

Слайд 8Geo-thermal energy

Geo-thermal energy

Слайд 9i.e. e.g.
i.d. = id est = that

The cough may last for a short period of

time—i.e., three to five days.

E.g.  = exempli gratia = “for example”
Submit a sample of academic writing—e.g., a dissertation chapter.

i.e.  e.g.i.d.  =  id est = that is The cough may last for a

Слайд 10Sustainable forest

Sustainable forest http://www.technologystudent.com/prddes1/susenv1.html

Слайд 11Footprints – what is the conversation about?
Ice caps are

melting – polar bears
Gap year - to part with

a considerable ____ of money
Carbon footprint
CO2 emission - cut back on emission
Leave TV on standby – OPP: to power down
Leave a kettle plugged in
Energy consumption / consume energy
We’ve got to do our bit to combat climate change
Have a massive effect on reducing our carbon footprint
Biodegradable plastic
Reuse plastic bags
A lift – give smb a lift
Leave the tap running
Tap water – water tap??

Footprints – what is the conversation about? Ice caps are melting – polar bears Gap year -

Слайд 12Standby. When electronic devices are receiving power but are not

running, they are in standby mode. For example, a television is in standby mode when it

is plugged in, but turned off.
Standby. When electronic devices are receiving power but are not running, they are in standby mode. For example, a television is

Слайд 14Eco-friendly tourism

Eco-friendly tourism

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