Разделы презентаций

Career Choices Project. Stage 2

Requirements:Collect the answers to the questionsAnalyze common answersMake conclusions about these answersPresent the data visually in graphsComplete descriptions of these graphsWrite introduction and conclusion

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Career Choices Project. Stage 2
Analysis of the data

Career Choices Project. Stage 2Analysis of the data

Слайд 2Requirements:
Collect the answers to the questions
Analyze common answers
Make conclusions about

these answers
Present the data visually in graphs
Complete descriptions of these

Write introduction and conclusion
Requirements:Collect the answers to the questionsAnalyze common answersMake conclusions about these answersPresent the data visually in graphsComplete

Слайд 3What it looks like
Introduction – 3 sentences Our team (Name +

Surname x Number of team members) decided to make a

poll about young generation’s needs in their career. We asked [number of people] about this issue. The aim of our research was to analyze modern views on the job market. [SCREENSHORT OF HOW MANY PEOPLE PASSED YOUR QUIZ]
What it looks likeIntroduction – 3 sentences  Our team (Name + Surname x Number of team

Слайд 4What it looks like
The majority of respondents (56%) consider that

high salary is the most important factor in their job.

Other leading characteristic is ‘job satisfaction’ – 30%. People are interested the least in what colleagues they are surrounded with (8%) and what kind of office they need to work in (6%).

Thus, we can conclude that it’s crucial for young generation to receive high payments for their work and be happy with what they are doing throughout the day.
What it looks likeThe majority of respondents (56%) consider that high salary is the most  important

Слайд 5What it looks like
Conclusion – answer to the aim of

your research Based on the analysis of 30 people’s answers, we

can conclude that the young generation values [most popular answers to the questions] the most. This indicates [your variant].
What it looks likeConclusion – answer to the aim of your research  Based on the analysis

Слайд 6Criteria of assessment
5 points for the stage
Visual representation of the

information in graphs, without them, only 3 points
Introduction, Received data

description, Conclusion
Grammar: Present Simple, Present Perfect, modal verbs
Vocabulary: Use academic vocabulary
Linking devices

Criteria of assessment5 points for the stageVisual representation of the information in graphs, without them, only 3

Слайд 7Useful vocabulary
Academic vocabulary - https://ieltsforneedies.nethouse.ru/static/doc/0000/0000/0092/92238.fdqm02baft.pdf
Examples of linking devices Thus, Таким образом Therefore,

Поэтому Moreover, Более того Subsequently, Впоследствии Additionally, Вдобавок However, Однако https://www.english-at-home.com/grammar/linking-words/ https://www.smart-words.org/linking-words/transition-words.html

Useful vocabularyAcademic vocabulary - https://ieltsforneedies.nethouse.ru/static/doc/0000/0000/0092/92238.fdqm02baft.pdfExamples of linking devices Thus, Таким образом Therefore, Поэтому Moreover, Более того Subsequently,

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