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Christmass in Germany

AdventIn 4 weeks until the Christmas, Germans starts to preparing to a holiday. In church starts confessions and communions. Parents acquaint children's with history of appearance of Christ

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Christmass in Germany
Morsin Egor & Alisa Polyakova

Christmass in GermanyMorsin Egor & Alisa Polyakova

Слайд 2Advent
In 4 weeks until the Christmas, Germans starts to preparing

to a holiday. In church starts confessions and communions. Parents

acquaint children's with history of appearance of Christ
AdventIn 4 weeks until the Christmas, Germans starts to preparing to a holiday. In church starts confessions

Слайд 3Trappings
Germans decorate their homes not only outside. Garlands hang out

on streets too. In the first sunday of the Advent

in a wreath light the first red candle which symbolizes light brought by Jesus to the world.
TrappingsGermans decorate their homes not only outside. Garlands hang out on streets too. In the first sunday

Слайд 4Nikolaus
In 6th December Saint Nikolaus comes to children. If behavior

wasn’t good, kid must read a rhythm or sing a

song to get his present

NikolausIn 6th December Saint Nikolaus comes to children. If behavior wasn’t good, kid must read a rhythm

Слайд 5Treats
Main thing on the christmas table is the stuffed goose.

Also, you can see sauerkraut and shtollen – the rich

roll with raisin and nuts covered with glaze and icing sugar.
TreatsMain thing on the christmas table is the stuffed goose. Also, you can see sauerkraut and shtollen

Слайд 6Traditions
Germans have s lot of interesting traditions. The major -

they put a fir-tree too, as well as we. Another

one is cookies with predictions which prepare in each family in Christmas Eve
TraditionsGermans have s lot of interesting traditions. The major - they put a fir-tree too, as well

Слайд 7Gifts
It is considered that the best gift is a the

carefully picked up book. Sometimes Germans make gifts to themselves.

For example - a travel or something else.
GiftsIt is considered that the best gift is a the carefully picked up book. Sometimes Germans make

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