Разделы презентаций


Sarah has more pets than Lidia. (Sarah has 4 pets, Lidia has 1.)Lidia has fewer pets than Sarah.(Lidia has 1 pet, Sarah has 4.)Ricky plays more instruments than I do. (He

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Comparison


Слайд 2Sarah has more pets than Lidia.
(Sarah has 4 pets,

Lidia has 1.)
Lidia has fewer pets than Sarah.
(Lidia has 1

pet, Sarah has 4.)
Ricky plays more instruments than I do. (He plays the piano and guitar, I play the guitar.)
I play fewer instruments than Ricky does. (I play the guitar, he plays the guitar and piano.)


Sarah has more pets than Lidia. (Sarah has 4 pets, Lidia has 1.)Lidia has fewer pets than

Слайд 3You can use more + noun or fewer + noun

to compare two people, places, or things.

You can use more + noun or fewer + noun to compare two people, places, or things.

Слайд 4Angela studies more hours per week than Kim does.

studies fewer hours per week than Angela does.

Use than

after more + noun and fewer + noun and before the second item compared.


Angela studies more hours per week than Kim does. Kim studies fewer hours per week than Angela

Слайд 5Jane has the most rings of all the girls.

has 3 rings, Sue 2, Pam 1.)
Pam has the fewest

rings of all the girls.
(Pam has 1, Sue 2, Jane 3)
Sam plays the most sports of all the boys. (Sam plays 5 sports, no one else plays 5.)
Kevin plays the fewest sports of all the boys. (Kevin plays 1. no one else plays just 1.)


Jane has the most rings of all the girls. (Jane has 3 rings, Sue 2, Pam 1.)Pam

Слайд 6You can use the most + noun or the fewest

+ noun to compare three people, places, or things.

You can use the most + noun or the fewest + noun to compare three people, places,

Слайд 7Which alphabet has more letters__English or Cambodian?
The Cambodian alphabet

has more letters.
Which alphabet has the fewest letters?
Rotokas has

the fewest letters __ 11 in all.


Which alphabet has more letters__English or Cambodian? The Cambodian alphabet has more letters. Which alphabet has the

Слайд 8In questions, you can use which when making comparisons.

In questions, you can use which when making comparisons. sami_lahiji@yahoo.com

Слайд 9Good Luck

Good Luck sami_lahiji@yahoo.com

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