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Created by Beth Gorden © 2017. See my two websites for tons of other free

AbuelaQ. Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee? A. Because they're Santa's star bucks!Q. What does the Gingerbread Man use to make his bed? A. Cookie sheets!© www.123homeschool4me.comAbuelaQ. How is the

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Слайд 1Created by Beth Gorden © 2017. See my two websites

for tons of other free worksheets for kids PreK-6th grade


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Created by Beth Gorden © 2017. See my two websites for tons of other free worksheets for

Слайд 2Abuela

Q. Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?

A. Because

they're Santa's star bucks!
Q. What does the Gingerbread Man use

to make his bed?

A. Cookie sheets!

© www.123homeschool4me.com


Q. How is the alphabet different on Christmas from every other day?

A. There's Noe “L”

Q: Why did Scrooge keep a pet lamb?

A: Because it would say, “Baaaaahh humbug!”

© www.123homeschool4me.com


Q: What kind of music do elves listen to?

A: Wrap.

Q: What is a snowmans favorite breakfast?

A: Ice Crispies.

© www.123homeschool4me.com

AbuelaQ. Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee? A. Because they're Santa's star bucks!Q. What does the

Слайд 3Abuela

Q: What says 'Oh Oh Oh'?

A: Santa walking backwards!

Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners?

A: Rude-alph!
© www.123homeschool4me.com


Why did Santa put a clock in his sleigh?

A: He wanted to see time fly!

Q: Why does Santa have three gardens?

A: So he can ho, ho, ho.

© www.123homeschool4me.com


Q: Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?

A: They always drop their needles!

Q: What falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt?

A: Snow.

© www.123homeschool4me.com

AbuelaQ: What says 'Oh Oh Oh'? A: Santa walking backwards!Q: Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners?

Слайд 4Abuela

Q: What did Adam say the day before Christmas?


It's Christmas, Eve!
Q: What is a librarians favorite Christmas song?

A: Silent Night

© www.123homeschool4me.com


Q: What do you call an old snowman?

A: Water.

Q: What type of cars do elves drive?

A: Toy-otas.

© www.123homeschool4me.com


Q: How do sheep say Merry Christmas in Mexico?

A: Fleece Navidad!

Q: What does Tarzan sing and Christmas?

A: Jungle Bells!

© www.123homeschool4me.com

AbuelaQ: What did Adam say the day before Christmas? A: It's Christmas, Eve!Q: What is a librarians

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