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KEY TAKEAWAYSA credit rating is a quantified assessment about the creditworthiness of an individual or entity.A credit rating not only determines whether or not a borrower will be approved for a

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A credit rating is a quantified assessment about the

creditworthiness of an individual or entity.

A credit rating not only

determines whether or not a borrower will be approved for a loan or debt issue but also determines the interest rate at which the loan will need to be repaid.

A credit rating or score can be assigned to any entity that seeks to borrow money—an individual, corporation, state or provincial authority, or sovereign government.

Individual credit is rated on a numeric scale based on the FICO calculation, bonds issued by businesses and governments are rated by credit agencies on a letter-based system
KEY TAKEAWAYSA credit rating is a quantified assessment about the creditworthiness of an individual or entity.A credit

Consumers – whether or not to purchase

Firms –determines the interest rate of a loan and financial

Governments – help emerging and developing countries to issue bonds to domestic and international investors
Financial markets – development and regulation

ROLE AND IMPORTANCE FOR:Consumers – whether or not to purchase bondsFirms –determines the interest rate of a

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