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Culture and traditions of Language

Roots Turkic, Mongol, and borrowings from Arabic, Persian, Slavic, western (Russian, soviet, and modern influences and trends). Was formed as the language of the tribes in the Kazakh khanate in mid

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Слайд 1Culture and traditions of Language

Culture and traditions of Language overview

Слайд 2Roots
Turkic, Mongol, and borrowings from Arabic, Persian, Slavic, western

(Russian, soviet, and modern influences and trends).
Was formed as

the language of the tribes in the Kazakh khanate in mid XV century, origin- political and social, turned into ethnic factor.
Roots Turkic, Mongol, and borrowings from Arabic, Persian, Slavic, western (Russian, soviet, and modern influences and trends).

Слайд 3Kazakh language specifics
is a Turkic of Altaic family, early version

of Kipshak.
Kazakh is an agglutinative, and it employs vowel harmony.

Kazakh language specificsis a Turkic of Altaic family, early version of Kipshak.Kazakh is an agglutinative, and it

Слайд 4Today, Kazakh is written in the Cyrillic alphabet in Kazakhstan

and Mongolia, while the more than one million Kazakh-speakers in

China use an Arabic-derived script (tote-zhazu) similar to that used to write Uigur.
The oldest known written records of languages closely related to Kazakh were written in the Orphon script. However, it is not believed that any of these varieties were direct predecessors of Kazakh.
Modern Kazakh has historically been written using versions of the Latin, Cyrillic, and Arabic scripts.

Today, Kazakh is written in the Cyrillic alphabet in Kazakhstan and Mongolia, while the more than one

Слайд 5Kazakh language studies
Until Russian reforms of late 19 century, Kazakh

language was oral, and writing was in Arabic. Literary language

was formed by Abay since late XIX century. Before- Chagatai (koine turki).
Kazakh language studiesUntil Russian reforms of late 19 century, Kazakh language was oral, and writing was in

Слайд 6Text of 1902

Text of 1902

Слайд 7Complexity
Kazakh has a system of nine phonemic vowels, three

of which are diphthongs.
Kazakh has 7 cases. Case endings

are applied only to the last element of a noun phrase—e.g., a noun, an adject, or a nominalised verb phrase.
Kazakh has eight personal pronouns:
Kazakh may express different combinations of tense, aspect, and mood through the use of various verbal morphology or through a system of auxiliary verbs, many of which might better be considered light verbs.

Complexity Kazakh has a system of nine phonemic vowels, three of which are diphthongs. Kazakh has 7

Слайд 8 Kazakh exhibits an evidentiality system which does not neatly

align with morphological paradigms.
тазалап тастапты – he cleaned it and

I saw the result
тазалап тастаған – he cleaned it, I saw the result and verified it with him
тазалап тастаған екен – he cleaned it and told me, but I probably didn't see the results
тазалап тастады – he cleaned it and I saw him clean it
тазалап тастағанға ұқсайды – he cleaned it, or so I infer from a result I saw which suggests this
тазалап тастаған шығар – he cleaned it, or so I infer from a result I saw which suggests this

Kazakh exhibits an evidentiality system which does not neatly align with morphological paradigms.тазалап тастапты – he

Слайд 9Mankurtism: policy, process, participants and effects
Kazakhstan has been part

of the USSR, whose state language was Russian, and it

dominated and then replaced the usage of Kazakh in public, culture and social spheres. By 1991 majority of population could not speak Kazakh. That's why the Russian language kept its status as the official language in Kazakhstan even after its independence, which makes Kazakhstan a bilingual country.
Loss of connections with the ethnic group (memory, culture and traditions, history, language) was defined as mankurtism.

Mankurtism: policy, process, participants and effects Kazakhstan has been part of the USSR, whose state language was

Слайд 111) concept that predicted people without ethnic memory and identity

could commit crimes against its people
2) deliberate policy against

ethnicities and their cultures
1) concept that predicted people without ethnic memory and identity could commit crimes against its people 2)

Слайд 12Russian/soviet influence
1. Lexicon
2. Written form and script (until 1929-

Arabic, 1929-1940 Latin, 1940- Cyrillic). the 42-letter alphabet based on

Cyrillic, while maintaining all of 33 letters of the Russian alphabet and adding 9 letters for the sounds of the Kazakh language. All language reforms were political-ideological to transform the mental map and civilizational path of nomads, disconnect with the Islamic world, prevent unity of Turkic groups in the USSR (fears of Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism).
Russian/soviet influence 1. Lexicon2. Written form and script (until 1929- Arabic, 1929-1940 Latin, 1940- Cyrillic). the 42-letter

Слайд 13A Kazakh newspaper of 937

A Kazakh newspaper of 937

Слайд 14Russian was the language of interethnic communication throughout the Soviet

Union. As the data from the censuses show, the share

of the population speaking Russian constantly rose. Thus, for example, in Kazakhstan, the percentage of the non-Russian population that spoke Russian fluently in 1989 was 72.9 percent. For Kazakhs, the percentage was 64.1 percent.
Russian was the language of interethnic communication throughout the Soviet Union. As the data from the censuses

Слайд 15русскоязычный поэт Б.Канапьянов:
Позабытый мной с детства язык,
Пресловутое двуязычие,
При котором теряю

свой лик
И приобретаю двуличие.
Я пойму неизвестного мне
Уходящего аборигена,
Но когда я

средь ночи во сне
Перед предком склоняю колено,
Сознаю, что не верит он мне,
Как пришельцу из тяжкого плена.
Усмехнётся он в той стороне:
Ты меня недостойная смена.

русскоязычный поэт Б.Канапьянов: Позабытый мной с детства язык,Пресловутое двуязычие,При котором теряю свой ликИ приобретаю двуличие.Я пойму неизвестного

Слайд 16Nomadic legacy
Was dominant in Kazakh lexicon before the soviet modernization.

Nomadic terminology is the richest in the world languages- over

3000 words. Among them only 300 refer to camel.
Nomadic legacyWas dominant in Kazakh lexicon before the soviet modernization. Nomadic terminology is the richest in the

Слайд 17Borrowings (cases)- went through lexical and phonetic changes
From Greek-

sciences, linguistics, philosophy- theorem, axiom, dinosaur, telephone, mixes - tele-didar

Latin- in sciences, politics and medicine -autobus, accord, velosiped, Indii, lens.
From Arabic- religion, philosophy, politics, culture and arts, personal names.
From Persian – arts, literature, culture, personal names
Borrowings (cases)- went through lexical and phonetic changes From Greek- sciences, linguistics, philosophy- theorem, axiom, dinosaur, telephone,

Слайд 18Modern day borrowings- language globalization
Off-shore zone - оффшорлық аймақ, barter

zhasau, videozhazba or beineclip, sponsor– демеуші, busnessman– кәсіпкер, president, parliament,

Modern day borrowings- language globalizationOff-shore zone - оффшорлық аймақ, barter zhasau, videozhazba or beineclip, sponsor– демеуші, busnessman–

Слайд 19Legal basis
Law on languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan (11

July, 1997, #151)- state language- Kazakh, Russian- for communication

Legal basisLaw on languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan (11 July, 1997, #151)- state language- Kazakh, Russian-

Слайд 20Changes happened
Geographical names (toponames): Semipalatinsk- Semei, Aktubinks- Aktobe, Kokchatev- Kokshetau,

Borovoye- Burabai, Issyk- Esil, Alma-Ata- Almaty, etc.

Changes happenedGeographical names (toponames): Semipalatinsk- Semei, Aktubinks- Aktobe, Kokchatev- Kokshetau, Borovoye- Burabai, Issyk- Esil, Alma-Ata- Almaty, etc.

Слайд 21Changes to come
October 2006, N.Nazarbayev, the President of Kazakhstan, brought

up the topic of using the Latin alphabet instead of

the Cyrillic alphabet as the official script for Kazakh in Kazakhstan. A Kazakh government study released in September 2007 said that Kazakhstan could feasibly switch to a Latin script over a 10- to 12-year period, for a cost of $300 million.9 On December 13, 2007, however, President Nazarbayev announced a decision not to advance the transformation to a Latin alphabet: “For 70 years the Kazakhstanis read and wrote in Cyrillic. More than 100 nationalities live in our state. Thus we need stability and peace. We should be in no hurry in the issue of alphabet transformation”.

Changes to comeOctober 2006, N.Nazarbayev, the President of Kazakhstan, brought up the topic of using the Latin

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