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culture shock

PlanThe portions in restaurants

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1culture shock
Ardak Arailym

culture shockArdak Arailym

Слайд 2Plan

The portions in restaurants

PlanThe portions in restaurants

Слайд 3Each nation has its own characteristics, which often perplex foreigners.

Many tourists come to another country to get acquainted with

the traditions of local residents, and leave in complete bewilderment
Each nation has its own characteristics, which often perplex foreigners. Many tourists come to another country to

Слайд 4tourists are strange habits and traditions of residents of the

United States, capable of driving anyone crazy! The restaurants always

serve ice water, regardless of the weather. It’s cold outside or hot, anyway. But what is really strange is when there is much more ice in the glass than the water itself.
tourists are strange habits and traditions of residents of the United States, capable of driving anyone crazy!

Слайд 5The portions in restaurants are simply astronomically huge. One dish,

designed for the average American, is enough for a whole

family of foreigners.

The waiters come up every 3 minutes and ask if you are comfortable, whether the food is delicious, etc. Every 3 minutes!

The portions in restaurants are simply astronomically huge. One dish, designed for the average American, is enough

Слайд 6The shops sell 3-liter bottles of wine. And sometimes even

6-liter. You are always asked for identification in a bar

or in a store if you buy beer, although it is quite obvious that you are over 40 years old.
The shops sell 3-liter bottles of wine. And sometimes even 6-liter. You are always asked for identification

Слайд 7American cars are simply gigantic. Especially compared to European brands.

By the way, the motorways are huge too.

American cars are simply gigantic. Especially compared to European brands. By the way, the motorways are huge

Слайд 8Often in supermarkets you can see people in pajamas. Because

they do not care deeply, to be honest.
Strangers always smile

at you. On the street, in supermarkets, in public toilets - everywhere.
Often in supermarkets you can see people in pajamas. Because they do not care deeply, to be

Слайд 9Americans constantly drink coffee on the go. It seems wild

to many foreigners, because they are used to enjoying a

drink while sitting somewhere in a pleasant place, rather than intercepting on the run.
Americans constantly drink coffee on the go. It seems wild to many foreigners, because they are used

Слайд 10American flags are everywhere. In case you forgot which country

you are in.

American flags are everywhere. In case you forgot which country you are in.

Слайд 11Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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