Разделы презентаций

Do you watch Weather forecast

a) It is sunnyb) It is cloudyc) It is stormy1.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Do you watch

Do you watchWeather forecast

Слайд 2

a) It is sunny

b) It is cloudy

c) It is stormy

1. What is the weather like?

Слайд 3

b) It is sunny

c) It is stormy

2. What is the weather like?

a) It is cloudy

Слайд 4

a) It is rainy

b) It is snowy

c) It is sunny

3. What is the weather like?

Слайд 5

a) It is sunny

b) It is rainy

c) It is frosty

4.What is the weather like?

Слайд 6

a) It is sunny

b) It is windy

c) It is wet

5. What is the weather like?

Слайд 7

a) It is foggy

b) It is stormy

c) It is sunny

6. What is the weather like?

Слайд 8

a) It is sunny

b) It is wet

c) It is foggy

7. What is the weather like?

Слайд 9

a) It is warm

b) It is hot

c) It is stormy

8.What is the weather like?

Спасибо за внимание!

THANKS FOR ATTENTION! Спасибо за внимание!

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