Разделы презентаций

Earth's lithosphere

contentsStructure of the lithosphereThe chemical composition of the lithosphereGeosphere: atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere. The chemical composition.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Earth's lithosphere
Bosikov Evgeniy

Earth's lithosphereBosikov Evgeniy

Слайд 2contents
Structure of the lithosphere
The chemical composition of the lithosphere
Geosphere: atmosphere,

hydrosphere, biosphere. The chemical composition.

contentsStructure of the lithosphereThe chemical composition of the lithosphereGeosphere: atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere. The chemical composition.

Слайд 3Structure of the lithosphere

Structure of the lithosphere

Слайд 4The thickness of the crust under the oceans - 5-10

km beneath continents - 75-80 km.

The thickness of the crust under the oceans - 5-10 km beneath continents - 75-80 km.

Слайд 5The chemical composition of the lithosphere

The chemical composition of the lithosphere

Слайд 6Geosphere: atmosphere
The thickness of the atmosphere - about 120 km

from the Earth's surface. The total mass of air in

the atmosphere - (5,1-5,3) × 10^18 kg.
Geosphere: atmosphereThe thickness of the atmosphere - about 120 km from the Earth's surface. The total mass

Слайд 7Hydrosphere
The average depth of the ocean is 3,800 m, maximum

(Mariana Trench Pacific) - 11,022 meters. The salinity of the

oceans - 35 ppm. Weight hydrosphere 1.46 * 10^21 kg.
HydrosphereThe average depth of the ocean is 3,800 m, maximum (Mariana Trench Pacific) - 11,022 meters. The

Слайд 8Biosphere
There are more than 3 000 000 species of plants,

animals, fungi and bacteria. Weight biosphere – 3*10^18 tons

BiosphereThere are more than 3 000 000 species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Weight biosphere –

Слайд 9Thanks for attention!
Bosikov Evgeniy

Thanks for attention! Bosikov Evgeniy89805467671evgbsikv@mail.ru

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