Разделы презентаций

Economic Sciences Qualification – the Master of Economics Economics Law and

Economic Sciences Qualification – the Master of Economics Economics Law and Разное

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Economic Sciences
Qualification – the Master of Economics
Law and Economics
Vyacheslav V.

Volchik, volchik@sfedu.ru
Language: Russian

Full-time education Duration: 2 years

Basic courses
Microeconomics (Advanced),
Macroeconomics (Advanced),
Foreign business language

Special Courses
Public Choice and Behavioral Economics
Basic Institutes and System of Civil Law
Institutional Economics and Law
Corporate Law
Economic Development and Growth
Methods and Instruments of Economic Research

Reputed professors and graduates
O.S. Belokrylova – Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor;
D.A. Chernyshov - Vice Head of Municipal Administration of Rostov-on-Don;
S.A. Kambulova – Director of Economic Department (Rostov-on-Don Administration)

Research Directions
Institutional change in public procurement
Institutional aspects of economic policy in education
Institutional and law analysis of modern economic reforms

Work Placement
manager or specialist of contract services in state or municipal agencies, specialist in bodies of internal affairs (in economic sphere), business analytic and consultant, scientific researcher, academic.

Future Careers
in governing body commissions (federal, regional, and municipal), in financial, economic, analytical, and consulting departments of enterprises, firms and corporations, state and municipal agencies

“The objective is to ensure the proper quality of professional training for the Masters of Economics through the research and practical activities with the emphasis on quality legal training.”

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16 Dormitories

Military training

Swimming pool

Bases of practices and recreation centers

Scholarships programs and moneyed assistance

International academic mobility

Project training

More than 20 sections of physical culture

Language training

Economic SciencesQualification – the Master of EconomicsEconomicsLaw and EconomicsVyacheslav V. Volchik, volchik@sfedu.ru Language: Russian

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